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Westie in need of a home!

Guinea Fowl

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I hope there is someone here that can help me.

I need to find a home for a pedigree west highland terrier, he is about 2 years old if i can remember correctly.


It was a neighbors dog, but when he moved to Oz a thew months ago he was going to take it to the dogs home, i then told him that i will take him, since i don`t like to see dogs going to the dogs home.


My problem is, is that we are moving now and we can`t take him with to our new house, they don`t want dogs because it`s just been done up.


He is a lovely little dog, has got a bit of a temper, growls at anything that moves but he is not aggressive, grumpy if you ask me. I have a 3 year old child and if i thought she was not safe with him around then i would never have took him on.


The neighbor also had a lab and the westie was fine with the lab, they were always playing together, but when you take him for walkies, he thinks he can take on the world! and barks at other dogs.


The neighbor spend most of his time at work so the westie is not really trained, i started training him in the 2 months i have been having him and he knows the loo is outside and starting to learn what sit means, i think with some time and effort he will be just fine, he has learned a lot from the lab the neighbor had, she was a rescued dog.


I got the dogs pedigree certificate from the neighbor and he had his first 2 sets of jabs by the look of it.

but its not up to date.


I really started to bond with him so i don`t want to let him go but the family comes first, I really don`t want to take him to the dogs home, so if there is someone that will take him on and will be able to put some effort in to get him trained, please let me know as soon as possible.


I am prepared to travel a good distance if needs be on my cost, in order to get him a home.


If no one can take him, does any one know where i can take him that will be able to find him a good home, any advice will be appreciated.



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Shame you are not closer :good: we would of had him


Hi evilstoat.


Like i said i am prepared to travel a good distance to get him a good home, so if you want him i will take him to your house, i think you are about 150 miles or so from me.


let me know if you still up for him, i see under your interests you do ferreting, so i if you have other dogs just introduce them slow like i said he was fine with the lab but other dogs in the park he did not like them.

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