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land and shoot buddy required in staffs

baikal boy

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hi is there anybody out there who knows of any land available in the staffs area just for a bit of crow and pigeon shooting or would like to meet up and have a day out occasionly ive only had a ticket a few months and am a bit of a novice if so it would be much appreciated


thanks baikal boy

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hi marco sorry i didnt get back to u very quick my 3 year old was playing me up so i had to go ime not in the nppc no i cant seem to get to much info on how to join to be honest ive tryed searching the web and it hasnt really come up with much if you can put me on the right track though it wud be much appreciated


thanks baikal boy

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baikal boy


Where abouts in Staffs are you?


I may be able to point you in the right direction with regard to land owners that may be interested.


This depends on where abouts you are though.


Ive found that your best bet is to pick up the blower or go and knock doors though as land very very rarley comes to you.


If i shot pigeon then this is how id go about it:


Look for pigeon and note down where they are


Find out who owns the land they are on. Yellow pages and a decent map may help in some cases


Ring up owner or knock on door. Can i offer you any free pest control? sort of line


Take it from there

Edited by donkeymagic
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DM is correct. The only way to get shooting is to ask - the worst that can happen is they can say No (well actually they could tell you to go forth but thats another story :/ )


Land is hard to come by however keep asking. Bearin mind however that ever promise you make "to keep an eye on the fields" must be fulfilled - & this can become very time consuming.


We spend most Fridays doing a "recy" which can cover 60ish miles and take 2hours if all the ground is covered.


Worthy of note is that come the summer the "fair weather" shooters will also be "door knocking" and you may be competing for land already secured as these farmers want to see the birds shot not eating the produce.

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hi donkeymagic sorry for the delay in replying ime from dunston about 3 mile from penkridge and thanks everybody for the advice it looks like ive got some door knocking to do were abouts are u from donkeymagic . why are u called that or neednt i ask ah ah


thanks again baikal boy

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You are right in the middle of some excellent keepered ground there. Hatherton (Cannock), Penkridge (which i think is closing?), Tixall (Shugborough way), Chartley (North Stafford), Weston Park (Lord Bradford) etc. Easy way to get some good (and cheap) shooting is to tap up a keeper, get on the beating line & hopefully in addition to beaters day you may get some land to shoot over in close season. Cannot help on actual keepers however im sure someone on your local patch could point you in the direction.

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hi staffs shooter tryed somerford hall the other day just off the a449 my idea was if i asked the keeper for a couple of days voluntary but he declined he said hed got enough help and didnt want no mither which was fair enough but i might try chillington hall tommorrow

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hi donkeymagic sorry for the delay in replying ime from dunston about 3 mile from penkridge and thanks everybody for the advice it looks like ive got some door knocking to do were abouts are u from donkeymagic . why are u called that or neednt i ask ah ah


thanks again baikal boy


Staffs shooter is spot on. There is plenty of land within a short distance of your location.


Its good to hear that you are asking keepers etc. All you can do is keep at it, eventually you will find somewhere.


How did you get on at Chillington Hall? Its only a couple of miles down the road from me


Dont just limit your search to the estate owned land. Keep your eyes open for numbers of pigeon, find out who owns the land they are on then go door knocking.


Why donkeymagic? i dunno, it just popped in i guess

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hi donkey magic didnt go to chillingtin in the end just been to busy to be honest mate but not giving up will still go sometime in the week hopefully will let you no how i get on then . are u a blackcountry lad beings u live close to wolverhampton i ask that because originally ime from the blackcountry tipton born and bred


thanks baikal boy [ paddy ]

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