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For Sale - Take Your Best Shot Clay Shooting DVD

Ian E

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Unwanted gift £39.99 plus postage and packing (£2.49) over at www.shootingbooks.co.uk




The latest DVD from top American producers Sunrise Productions features the company’s founder Bruce Scott and Chris Batha in a video aimed squarely at the sporting shooter looking to become more consistent and move up through the classes. In a packed 90 minute programme they explore the basics of stance and gun fit before moving on to practice routines to groove a consistent gun mount. Out on the course they shoot a variety of targets, exploring the effect of speed distance and angle on the required lead, using the excellent Sunrise ‘Eye-Cam’ to give slow motion, ‘shooter’s view’ footage to good effect. The techniques behind the three main shooting methods – swing through, pull away and maintained lead – are analysed, together with course management strategies and detailed analysis of a wide variety of targets. Topics include matching the gun mount to the target presentation and strategies for shooting pairs in competition. Good use is made of graphics to add to the Eye-Cam footage. This is a wide ranging and entertaining video, full of sound information, clearly presented. All but the very top level shooters will find something of value and it is highly recommended for the B and C class shot looking to improve.


£30 inc free postage and packing


paypal cheque postal order, please PM me.

Edited by Ian E
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