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SxS Rib Question

Fuji Shooter

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Someone at the club (prob a game shooter) suggested we have a SxS day for a few of the regulars.


First problem is I don't have one anymore so I need to go any buy one, luckily there are lots about and they are cheap enough.


Can someone in the know tell me the difference between a high rib and a Churchill rib?


Is there a better (cheaper) SxS that would be good as a sporting clay gun for the day? AYA etc?


As you can tell I am thrilled with the idea but in for a penny and all that. :oops:



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i think....


A high rib is where the rib is raised above the barrels on either side and is straight so you can see all the way down it to the bead.


A churchill rib is where you can see the the top part of the rib and then curves down to the bead so all you see is a little bit of rib and then the bead.


i would go for a high rib as i think it will be easier for clays and if you want a ok gun (assuming you are only going to use it for one day ) go for a cheap ugartechea or aya yeoman assuming you are using 12g.


ps. dont take what i have said on the ribs as true because it was my best guess.



hope this can help. baikal

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