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Pigeons not playing the game


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Went out today to see what was going on as it was a nice day with abit of wind if not abit cloudy and on the colder side due to wind chill.

Went to several high spots for a good look and there was absolutely nothing around, nothing roosting, nothing flying not a bird in sight, i actually saw more partridges and pheasants than pigeons, rape around here has come into flower now, 3 or 4 pigeons on some beans that had sprouted even the peas were showing no signs of activity. The only chance i had of shooting was on a cabbabe patch with some pigeons on so i ditched the shotgun setup the .22lr on the bipod and managed to get 4 pigeons before they realised what was happening and they flew off and got 2 with the shotgun as they flew over but even then there was only 15 or so.

I really don`t know what is going on as it is dead quiet, i know they are nesting around here but for it to be this quiet is just stupid, good for the farmers but bad for me, talking to other shooters in the area and everyone says the same thing they just aren`t around at the moment or if they are they have found somewhere below the radar.

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they will be some where ! after looking at where 2 set up on the beans tomorrow thought i would have a go on some chopped maize nearer to home could not find a bird not 1 none flying any where thought never mind will set up on 1 of the strips a see if anything came to play 1 pm past no birds,2 pm still nothing then at 3pm they were every where shot 26 using a new gun so was well pleased !

the thing is the days are getting longer there are fresh buds for them in the woods and they are nesting but keep at you will get them again im sure ! <_<

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