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WE need help

hill billy

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hi i am writting for help really and to advise a word of warning, my family own a general repairs garage in startford essex and one day about three months ago we went to work and found our big car transporter trailer in the middle of our court yard with two flat tires meaning some one had tried too steal it but didn't get to far so then on after we started blocking the entrance to out rear court yard with a car however on thursday the 23 or march at about 8 at night three men broke into the car pushed it out of the way and stole the trailer, the trailer is blue with four wheel and it's about 18 feet long, the trailer is worth a fair bit of money but we have been led to belive it was ****** who took it following another incedent that occured last month, the trailer is replacable but the thing we are now worried about is what they can use the trailer for this may sound daft but the trailer had a tipping back and a very powerful winch at the front ( and i mean powerful we have puller a range rover with it's hand break on ) so it could be used to steal cars from just about any were, if you have any information what so ever please pm me and i will be forevr greatful thanks very much


Edited by hill billy
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