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lampeter shooting supplies


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Did a search of them and no results came up


Anybody dealt with them before? Going to look at a gun there this week, but it's a pretty long drive and don't want to drive all that way for bad customer, although in fairness the guy sounded very helpful on the phone, just thought i'd check



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Did a search of them and no results came up


Anybody dealt with them before? Going to look at a gun there this week, but it's a pretty long drive and don't want to drive all that way for bad customer, although in fairness the guy sounded very helpful on the phone, just thought i'd check




Ok service.I`ve dealt with them many times.Very small shop.James is a nice fella there.How far are you driving from there?

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yeah the chap I talked to on the phone seemed quite nice. I'm travelling about 2 1/2 - 3 hours, a long way but I've been looking for the right gun (my first SG) for a while so I dont mind travelling


Is it the norm to haggle a bit as well when buying a SG? I assume so but you never know lol



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It's my nearest gun shop, so I use them a fair bit. A good selection of guns at reasonable prices. You can always haggle a bit, but you're more likely to get some extra bits thrown in for free or at a reduced price than a lowering of the price of the gun itself.

The only thing is they can be a bit disorganised at times - that secondhand gun may well have come with a selection of chokes, and they may well be in the shop somewhere, but actually locating them could be a lengthy process :rolleyes:

Park in the car park opposite Somerfields, which is cunningly hidden away from view but accessible from Bryn Road.

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its ok service, part exed an air rifle for a shotgun and got a good deal. Dont try and get him to receive anything posted from another RFD though as John Maiden on here will tell you :rolleyes: He only had about 5 s/s but about 20 O/U and a lot of S/A. He has hundreds of rimfires there.


P.S dont buy a crappy cartridge belt made of fake plasticy leather for 12.50 off him, it lasts about 3 days!



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