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which cartriges?

new shooter

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i have just started pigeon shooting with one of the local beaters. i am getting a silver pigeon v 20 bore which my mum is also going to use for a bit off clay shooting. anyway which cartrige would be right for a small 14 year old pigeon shooter with a 20 bore.

any advice would be good thanks

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there are alot on the market. Hull make a 24gram pigeon squib for a 20b and it is very good. try to use plastic wads not felt or fibre if that is ok with the land owner. Also, you can try a few different makes until you find one you like. Dont go bellow 24 grams as they get a bit wimpy. The Gamebores are **** try Hull, Express or RC even Eley make a CT competition load thats not bad for the money and you can get them in 6 shot to. If you can put up with heavier loads 28 grams give a little more hitting power, but a little more recoil. but RC T3 28g is a cracker.


If you want one shot size to do both jobs 7.5 shot size will be fine but my advice is use 6 shot for pigeons and 7.5 or smaller for the clays.


all the best and happy shooting.

Edited by Ears
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