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Ear Plugs


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Has anyone tried either the BlastBuster or Hocks Noise Braker plugs for shooting?


Links here:






They seem a good cheap option if they fit of course. Would be willing to take a punt on fit if someone can vouch for their performance.



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Hi Smithee,


I use Sonic 2 ear plugs which work on the same principle as the ones you have linked to. I find them great because you can still have a normal conversations while wearing them. Whats really funny is listening to two people who are wearing the old foam ones have a conversation, I have heard some right strange things. Link below





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Hi Smithee,


I use Sonic 2 ear plugs which work on the same principle as the ones you have linked to. I find them great because you can still have a normal conversations while wearing them. Whats really funny is listening to two people who are wearing the old foam ones have a conversation, I have heard some right strange things. Link below






Just a note that the Brand Sonic II no longer exists. North Technologies sold the earvalve patent rights to Health Industries about a year ago - but retained the Sonic II name. Hence all ear valve plugs are now called "Shooters Aid" as made and sold by the new manufacturers. The name Sonic II no longer appears on the pack and the silicon colour is now clear not orange as was the previous North production

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Just a note that the Brand Sonic II no longer exists. North Technologies sold the earvalve patent rights to Health Industries about a year ago - but retained the Sonic II name. Hence all ear valve plugs are now called "Shooters Aid" as made and sold by the new manufacturers. The name Sonic II no longer appears on the pack and the silicon colour is now clear not orange as was the previous North production



Thanks clayman, explains a lot, mine are the clear ones. I asked in the shop for sonic 2 and thats what they gave me, now I think about it shooters aid rings a bell.



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