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getting started

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One thing I've learned since I started pigeon shooting is to save up and get the best because you'll only wish you had bought the best if you try to skimp on things in the first place.


Here's what I reckon - others will have their recommendations I'm sure...


10 flocked shell decoys (don't buy plastic ones as they shine in the sun and shine when their wet too)


Four extendible hide poles with kick plates


Stealth net camo hide


Large decoy bag with plastic drum for a seat


Pair of cheap binoculars


Decent camo clothes and hat/cap



Extras.... decent knife, cartridge bag, plenty of carrier bags and bamboo poles for flags, string, sunglasses, plasters, tent pegs.


That should get you off to a decent start, and if you're feeling extravagant try investing some money in something that will add a little movement to your decoy pattern like a battery powered flapper (nice and lightweight and fairly cheap) or a rotary (heavy, around £75 but really efffective)


Hope that helps mate :good:

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