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My biggest Brownie of 2009


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Caught this 2lb wild brownie last weekend on the Rheidol river, mid wales. I was fishing for a sea trout using a red flying 'c' about 7am because the river is on a hydro electric scheme so you have to fish when they are generating, and as the tide is coming in so that the salmon and sea trout think its a spate so run up the river. But i was spinning the lure in over some weeds and saw this fish shoot out, follow it then take it, he fought like a champ because it was a wild one - and although not what i was after it made some great eating. Im not into catch and return (except for salmon before June) i pay 140 quid to fish that river a few times in a 8 month season and i like eating fish, so i can keep what i catch i reckon!


There are a load of mink on the river that i would like to shoot because they are little bast**ds! Do you think the angling association would say it would be ok to carry my .410 with me when i go fishing? or is it the farmers say whos land the river go's through?



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