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Work experience...

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This is a long shot, but you can only say no. I'm currently studying Countryside Management HND and I have a year out starting from September in which to do a work placement. At the moment i'm struggling to find anywhere that will take me on for what I want to do. I'm passionate about shooting and the countryside and ideally, would like my placement to involve pest control, shoot management...whatever involves working outdoors. I have experience in fencing, walling, felling, bridge and footpath work, hedge laying and carpentry, as well as agricultural, geological and ecological knowledge. The placement has to be a minimum of 9 months, however i am able to split this (I could with someone on a shoot for the coming season, and then move on if 9 months is too long).


As I said it is a long shot, but there might be someone out there who would like a hand on their shoot for a few months and is willing to teach me the ways of the trade. This is voluntary also so no worries about paying wages either. The position needs to be full time and if less, the period in employment must be adjusted - i.e. 4 days per week = 11.25 months; 3 days per weeks = 15 months and so on.


If there are any gamekeepers, shoot managers, countryside managers reading this that can take me on for a few months, please get back to me! I'm 19 and will put in 110% effort to my work experience.


Cheers, Joe :lol:

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