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IMR4895 and a .243 70 gr nosler BT wins the day.

scotland rifles

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Been asked to sit out for this vixen a couple of times now, and i have not seen her at all,


So last night up to the estate early (6pm) and got the 4x4 parked under a nice over hanging tree, unpacked the kit and moved down to the high seat.


Well the estate had moved the chair up the hill by about 100 yards fully looking over the area she had been seen at, well i had seen some nice fallow bucks on the estate but the big boy who came out last night was the biggest yet, he was no more than 12 feet to my right at around 19.05pm, he popped out of the wood and then walked down and away from me and back into the wood,


so 1 and a bit hours down and nothing, she still had not shown, and suddenly, the rain starts, so i hunker down in the chair and don the poncho leaving a opening to keep an eye out for her,


19.20 up she pops, but she is partially hidden buy undergrowth, squeak and up she stood, on click fizz thud all done,( we got her cubs last week )


range to target was about 180yard.


she and her cubs will not be doing any more work on the estate.




just doing the pictures,


target area from the top of the chair, http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/269/conhort003.jpg


the target with exit hole graphic details. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/1074/conhort004.jpg


a close up of the above. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/1858/conhort005.jpg


all taken on my camera phone so not the best pictures,


Edited by scotland rifles
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