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Cheap Safe


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The guidance only says that a firearm should be held securely, basically it is up to your FLO to pass it, but it does say that as added security ammo and easily removed parts should be stored seperately.


below is taken from guidance FLO will use.


2.1 The security of firearms, section 1 ammunition and shotguns within a dwelling can in most

cases be achieved using a cabinet designed for this purpose. New cabinets should conform to the

requirements of BS7558 (see Annex C for examples on points of construction). The cabinet

should be fixed to the structure and located to frustrate attack or identification by persons visiting

the premises. BS7558 was introduced in 1992 but many older cabinets will be built to perfectly

satisfactory standards and, if satisfactory, need not be replaced.

2.2 As an additional level of security, ammunition and easily removable component parts – such

as rifle bolts etc - may be stored separately from the firearms they fit. This could be either by use

of a detached storage container fitted elsewhere in the dwelling, or one built into or onto the

firearms cabinet.

Edited by sbald
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2.2 As an additional level of security, ammunition and easily removable component parts – such

as rifle bolts etc - may be stored separately from the firearms they fit.


So basically its just required for the ammo, but as you need one anyway then why not put the bolt in aswell :good:

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