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Bought Beretta 686e at the CLA


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Hi all


I hope someone could answer a few questions for me? still relatively new to shooting.


Bought a brand new 686e internal m/c 30" barrells at the Gamefair. I am waiting for the rest of the chokes and Guncase to be posted.


I have a question about the chokes.


Looking end on at the chokes in the barrells one has two grooves and the other three grooves can anyone tell me what type they are and what would be best for sporting and skeet please?


Had a bit of a fitting at the Gamefair and the fitter said that my eye was high so the fitter adjusted the stock slightly, my question is how much of the rib do you see when mounting the gun or do you see none and only the bead, I am talking dry mounting and obviously not when actually shooting?


I am still seeing a lot of rib, but still trying to perfect my gun mount. I went out yesterday and basically shot rubbish. I was doing a lot of looking at the barells,any tips when going from a lighter 28" to heavier 30" would be greatly appreciated.

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they are 1/2 (3 notches) and 3/4 (2 notches)


I'm not sure it matters a whole lot, but I use 1/2 and 1/4 for sporting as does just about everyone else I know!


for skeet you want the skeet chokes :yes:


I see none of the rib when mounting, the bead looks like it is sat at the back of the gun.

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As a general rule if you lay a pound coin on the rib at the chamber end you should just be able to see the rib over the coin. This is a general rule of thumb and does not mean it is gospel or will work for everyone.


Your manual will tell you what the chokes are but at a guess they are 3/4 (2 slots) and 1/2 (3 slots) For skeet and sporting I use 1/4 in both barrels, although skeet and 1/4 is a good compromise (4 slots and 5 slots)


When shooting if you look at the barrels you will miss, you need to lock on to the bird and only the bird. You will still miss because everyone does, but not as much.


You will shoot badly for a while, it is a new gun and you need to get used to the way it handles and feels.

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Thanks for the replies , I shoot right handed and am left eye dominant at the moment the longer barrels are encouraging me to aim, unfortunately I am not a natural and have difficulty in picking up any gun and just being able to use it :yes:


Its about time a had a bit of coaching, anyone know of any good coaches in buckinghamshire?

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