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Geldoff, evil or just misguided ???

old rooster

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So we've come to the end of another protracted push to collect funds supposedly to help those suffering in Africa (amongst others). Geldoff is a prime mover in these affairs but is he evil or just ill advised of the consequences of his actions ?


African nations will never run properly if we push them to adopt Western ways, it's not in their tradition. One only has to look at the example of South Africa which was going to be far better run without the influence of the dreaded white man, result of the return to black rule is mass starvation, homelessness, corruption and anarchy.


In essence what the charity organisations fail to grasp is that aid funding goes directly to the despotic dictators in most of these countries, many of whom have personal fortunes stashed away which amount to more than their countries national debt. That dear old Gentleman Mr. Mugabe is a prime example of a dictator posing as the leader of a democracy, he is unchallenged by the Western countries and continues his genocidal rule. They may well have just had an "election" with citizens having the right to vote against him, unfortunately a vote against Mugabe is a vote for starvation. FACT not just propaganda.


African countries traditionally used high infant mortality as their birth/population control methods, virility in the shape of fathering large numbers of offspring being a status symbol in most. Many of these countries having poor resources and no ability to naturally support large populations. I fail to see the "kindness" in encouraging over population, it is cruel, particularly when the continued aided expansion of the population will only ever lead to increased dependence on aid funding. A vicious circle, the West again imposing its values on other countries.


Aids is endemic in many countries and the attempts to introduce contraception have met with little success, what has been tried has just not worked so continually throwing more and more money at the problem is not likely to ever make a significant difference.


We now hear that during the G8 summit they will be considering the world bank wiping the debts from some African countries, how that will supposedly help is beyond me, particularly where the rulers of those countries have the personal wherewithal but not the inclination to do that for themselves.


The extra funding will permit the despots to buy arms to continue the internal wars and those with their neighbours, nothing short of another Iraq will make a difference to that, not that the Iraq situation is in any way settled due to the lack of thought by politicians to the aftermath of their intervention.

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