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On the Hodgdon webstite is says that Varget and H4350 both of which are their Extreme rifle powders are insensitivity to hot/cold temperatures. The H414 is a sperical rifle poweder but it dosn't say anything about its temperature sensitivity.


Can anyone tell me is H414 very suspectible to temperature change?


If so would I be right in thinking that a load thats shoots well in our current temperature would shoot entirely differently in the cold of winter?


Anyone got first hand experience with this powder, please. (its for my .243 AI)

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H414 isn't in Hodgdon list of "Extreme powders" so I would expect there to be some difference in velocity with temperature. I have loaded up some "winter" loads in .243 with H380 which is similar in burn rate to H414. This worked fine at low temperatures 0-5C say, but was over the top at 20-25C. If you have a load which works well in summer temperature then you will likely experience a drop in velocity with H414 on a cold winter night. How much this will affect your accuracy is hard to say. The more problematic issue is if you had a hot load you developed in winter which you then shot on a hot summers day. If you are concerned about shooting in cold weather with "summer loads" I would just stick with Varget or develop some loads with H414 at lower temperatures. How cold are you expecting it to get?

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