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  1. SOLD to Fandango subject to usual Rav
  2. Very reluctant sale. All shooting kit recently sold, apart from these....... Steiner of Germany Ranger 8x30 armoured binoculars. Hopefully pics will load. If not here's some more detail: Green rubberised armour. Lens covers front and rear. Fitted with lanyard. Complete with Steiner carry case. Fantastic condition. If you haven't ever used QUALITY binoculars then you really should treat yourself. The optical quality is outstanding. That's why high end binoculars and camera lenses are always really expensive. These retail for hundreds of pounds. (Only seem able to load these two pics. PM me for other pics please) £175 posted Rav
  3. SOLD subject to usual PayPal payment transactions.............
  4. Yeah I guess you would describe them as slim, unlike the huge bulbous ones out there....... Rav
  5. Petzl NAO headlamp Compact, powerful and rechargeable headlamp with reactive lighting technology Used for about 6 hours. Totally mint condition. In box. User manual available on PDF. Google for more information. These retail around £145 £80 posted Rav
  6. Size 52 is European sizing. It's about 42" UK Can't upload pics. I'm sure your search engine will signpost the way to a splendid library image....... Rav
  7. For sale Awesome Seeland Keeper eraseXT real tree Camo jacket. Fully waterproof and breathable jacket, and very quiet when moving/stalking Cost around £150 when new. Fantastic condition. No signs of wear. No rips or tears. Google for stats. £75 posted Trying to sort pics, stand by your beds.......... Rav
  8. Hardly used at all. Maybe 3 times for about hour each time Costs >£100 Sell for £60 Please collect from CM227JQ Rav
  9. Very little use, as pic Really good piece of kit for pigeons or the clay ground Noise cancelling technology allows you to hear sounds quite far away, yet muffles gun shots or other very load noises. Cost me £145 £65 posted Rav
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