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About hunter1983

  • Birthday 07/07/1983

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  1. Iv just bought a 2005 L200 animal that has got 18" wheels and tyres on it, it does seem to sit quite a bit higher with these wheels and tyres, but think I'll be putting 16" back on as much more choice of A/T tyre. It's on nearly new road tyres at the minute. Anyone know any good places to advertise them as swap for a set of 16s with A/T tyres 👍👍
  2. Iv just swopped my crv with a dealer it was on a 59 plate an couldn't find any 18" off road tyres for love nor money. I think the older ones are on smaller wheels so maybe you will have more luck than I did.
  3. Hi just wondering if anyone is shooting wed to Fri this week that would want some company ill just come an watch can't seem to get any pigeon shooting so watching is better than not getting out thanks Matt.
  4. Cracking offer wish I didn't live in lancashire would jump at the chance.
  5. Single selective trigger and ejector will accept £350
  6. Where abouts are u pal an what days do u shoot. Thanks matt
  7. Not sure gunman I thought someone on here may be able to help rather than go to a gunshop not keen on any of them near me really.it's an old gun so not sure how hard it would be
  8. Hi guys I have an old English game 12g an I think the top lever spring has gone does anybody know if u can change them yourself or know anobody in the Lancashire area that could. Thanks in advance for any replies matt
  9. I have one of these really like it. Good luck with the sale.
  10. Just picked one of these up with 66k on the clock to replace my 56 plate Saab anybody else got one just wondered what peoples views are on them so far I like it. Matt
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