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Posts posted by Aled_cky

  1. if you can.. hide inside a Gorse Bush or something that totally covers you.. it works for me.. :thumbs: if you hide in your "hide" good enough.. they wont see you.. and dont go for the shot until they are 'in range' as they will fly away.


  2. need your help guys-

    going to start shooting with camo etc..


    - looking for a net. idealy 5"or6" tall.. 15" wide. theres 1 on http://www.##############/?page=show-category&cat=4

    the second net i am thinking about getting.. anyone know where to get this exact net cheaper? or any other darkish camoed net for cheaper than this but roughly the same measurements.


    - Camoflagued clothing.

    might get a Gillie suit.. anyone got any website links?

    ive found a Het Net..

    is a Gillie suit a "Boiler Suit" but with leaf cuts on the outside?


    - Decoys.

    my local gun dealer sells WHOLE Pigeon Decoys for £2.95. anyone know where to get these cheaper? - only need 4max

    he sells Crow Decoys(with legs) for £4.95.. anyone know where to get these cheaper? i need 5


    anyone got any other things i may want for my shooting gear?

    all comments will be appreciated.


  3. i dont leave them hanging.. i tie them on with the tag things supplied.. tie them to the fence so theres just enough of the snare to put in the hole..



    *edit* it got dark quickly tonight so couldnt take pictures.. will take some tomorrow..

  4. i got 4/5 of my snares with a fox in in 1 field last year.. got 1 the other day but it escaped..

    i will take some pictures of the Professional Method... this has been done in the family for years...... :thumbs:

    i have 1 in a field now.. will take pictures tomorrow.. or after before it gets dark.

    - find a old fox hole where they pass through.. find them under Fences--

    we have lambs/sheep in our fields so we have a lot of fox's passing through..

    me and father will be going out soon with our snares.. do you have a farm? if so you will proberly have holes under fences where you or the farmer will have put big stones.. these are either fox or badgers holes.. if you find any others.. put snares in them..


  5. what you mean ? Reloder is 1 of my mates.. he got the Webley Eclipse , Bag , 2silencer , sling , spare springs , scope and 2000 pellets with it.. and some other stuff .. couldnt believe it as its a very nice gun for the price he paid..


  6. ye i knew they went weaker in their age.. i have a .22 spring which maybe 10 f/lbs now.. its 18months now.. fired over 2000. should i get a new spring for that aswell?

    1 of my .177's is 9years.

    the other i got of my cousin think its 15years.


  7. just get a 410 and a 12g.. save using adapters

    bad things about 410 :

    - not much killing range

    - cartrages expensive.(£4.95) instead of 12g (£3.95) - local dealer

    - cant see the wadding when youve shot.

    - not many shot sizes :lol:

    save using wasting a 12g barrel if its 2 shot just get a .410.. so you can take out either gun or both :thumbs:


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