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Posts posted by Lloyd90

  1. Just now, steve_b_wales said:

    I had a similar one which developed the same fault. I was told to give the top( just above the handle) a good few 'thumps', which I did, and it worked. I got rid of it straight after and bought a proper one.

    Have tried that initially and no luck but will try again tomorrow when I don’t have a sleeping baby upstairs. 

    Hit the top whilst tension on the handle I was told. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Windswept said:

    If you have a spare key try that. A spray of lubricating oil in the lock might also help. 

    Tried both,  neither work. 

    12 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Call  a lock Smith,  cheaper, and safer in the long run.

    I did, said be a nightmare to “unpick” if the barrel has become misaligned or similar. 

  3. Everything he does seems a shambles: 


    Left the D day memorials early because he thought it was more important to get back campaigning and have an interview instead of stay at the Omaha beach memorial with other world leaders. 

    You have to ask, either someone on his advisor team is trying to lose the election on purpose … perhaps he thinks that’s why he called the election, he’s had enough of the nonsense.


    If not, he deserves to lose as his lack of judgement in multiple situations just shows how out of touch he really is. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    Africa..and Florida....mostly and a few other EU countries............the worst most tasteless food ive tasted was in Germany...christ it was just ...boring....the canteens i ate of everybody just ate mounds of sausage in white creamy gravy and boiled spuds......and they ate it EVERY BLOODY DAY........i used to live on spit roasted chicken and fries down the local pub or Hofbrauhouse

    best chinese resteraunt i ever ate in was in Dar-es-salam (Tanzania)......African food tends to be a bit boring.....the most exciting dish they do is 

    Cuckoo-wali............(chicken and rice)

    Zambia isnt too bad...due to many years with the white man ..they make a superb meaty irish stew...........or they eat shima and capenta....ugh

    What were you doing in those places Ditchy? 

  5. 25 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    Your complaint is with the avariciousness of HMRC.  Who imposed ridiculous constraints on EU (and EU only) mail order outfits wishing to sell to us.

    For once, this a Brexit 'benefit' entirely within gift to sort out.


    Nice.  But was it not you who said....

    What's good for the goose etc..

    Classic 🤣🤣🤣

  6. 25 minutes ago, Mungler said:

    We are slowly waking up to the mass immigration Ponzi scheme - lots of stuff from Douglas Murray (spanning the last two decades) nails it. 

    We didn’t get doctors, healthcare workers, engineers or cultural enrichment. We got unintegrated and untrained drains on the state, inextricably locked into stone-age religions and customs, who are possibly two generations away from making anything close to a net contribution but who each in turn will get old and ill themselves.

    Instead of chasing imported labour we were not strong enough to tackle the generational dole bludgers here and get them working or encourage economic net contributors to have larger families - cheaper and better housing, lower childcare costs etc. Indeed, why promote a system that punishes those that work with the worst incremental tax system in history and rewards those out of work?

    It is now dawning (too late however) on everyone what we are dealing with - mass economic migration (not asylum seekers) and with little or no upside and an increasingly apparent downside.

    Europe is in front of us, is waking up and now heading towards the right, as the conservatives here open the door wide to the left and 5 years of continued pandering nonsense and a declining economic outcomes.

    I still make the case for teaching economics alongside maths and English. The school system does little to prepare the young for the real world and the lack of understanding about government, money and tax is overwhelming - probably how the powers that be like it.

    We’re getting close to the now necessary brutal, unpleasant but entirely practical conversations about scarcity and resources as GDP per capita plummets.


    The UK millionaires / billionaires who fund both political parties need the mass importation of cheap foreign labour to keep wages down and there profits high. 

    Industries like the care sector where they don’t have enough staff were given special exemptions to hire non EU / EU staff after Brexit to continue to import of cheap foreign labour and they were legally allowed to pay them less. 

    They don’t address the root problem that the job is undervalued and underpaid considering the work, shifts, abuse, etc… and someone can get better pay stacking shelves in a supermarket without all the bother… they just change the rules to keep the merry go round moving. 

  7. On 27/05/2024 at 23:54, ditchman said:

    only 4 ingredients for the molassis sauce....thats all.....simples

    some of the reciepes i viewed had 10-14 ingredients.....KISS....keep it simple stupid

    What were they? 

  8. So he put down some money to pay someone off as ‘legal expenses’. 

    How many builders, tradesmen, company owners etc, put one thing down as a business expense when it’s really not? 

    Many shooters who have businesses having a pick up truck as a “company vehicle” when really they mostly got it for shooting etc. 

    Bit of a joke.

    All I can see it doing is boosting his support. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Dougy said:

    For goodness sake oowee your having a laugh

    1st off original post, and I don't wear rose tinted glasses. 

    You really need to get out more. 

    He’s got a point. 

    What native land? I’d wager 90% of UK shop lifters are British born, regardless of their race… 

    9 hours ago, nobbyathome said:

    I thought about taking it off of her then it all goes through your mind if she hits kicks or gets a blade out I have to knock her out that would lead to me probably getting nicked and my cert taken off me so I listened to the two girls advice and did nothing but try to talk to her a so she might see sense and b her face will be on the camera I felt like a coward and hated myself I got home told the Mrs and she used to work in a sainsburys superstore and she said they just let them get away with it for about three times and keep the video evidence and when they have enough they then report it to the police to deal with  I still wish I had kicked her out the door though 

    As my Mrs said you don’t know if she had a boyfriend tooled  up outside and sainsburys wouldn’t pay your wages if you got stabbed  the thieving scumbag had a massive big laundry bag and was like supermarket sweep just arm behind and scooping all the stuff in  it was unreal 

    And that’s one of the key problems. 

    The courts law will punish the law abiding good citizen who tries to help whilst the scum carry on. 

    The social contract with the Government / Police is that they uphold law and order and people don’t take vigilante justice. 

    The Courts / Police seem to be failing miserably in this department yet people don’t have a legal right to protect / defend their own property. 

    America has many problems but the right to stand your ground and defend your property is something I think they have right! 

  10. 2 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    Well I, for one, did not realise that this scope was designed specifically for air rifles. Maybe I should have read more into it. Mine is on a .22lr so I hope that it will be okay. If not, I'll swop it with a different make, that's already on one of my air rifles.

    EDIT: I've just read that it will be okay to use on a rimfire rifle.

    MTC website says designed for air rifle as well as rimfire. 

    I rate the scope, going to get one :) 

  11. 22 minutes ago, old man said:

    The problem maybe, is the con artists queuing up to give us their full canvas?

    A sad affair when the only vote is to be for the least personal harm?

    When’s it been any different? 

    I’ve never agreed with one single party 100%. 

  12. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Works both ways, the Labour party also gets large donations, mainly from the Trades Unions, but also from wealthy individuals.  In Q2/24 Labour had larger donations from wealthy individuals than Conservatives (see link below).  They just don't like to talk about it.  Blair is also a multi millionaire and his son a very wealthy multi millionaire.  Starmer isn't exactly a pauper.


    The idea that the Tories are only funded by the rich and Labour don't take funds from the rich is nonsense.

    Money buys influence the world over; always has and always will.

    I never said the Tories and Labour. 

    I said the political parties, plural. Both side funded by people in the same echelon. 

    Labour held power for many years before the Tories. 

    They also didn’t re-write the tax code to make multi millionaires pay a fairer % same as everyone else. 

    Personally I’d prefer a flat 20% rate applied to everyone equally!

  13. 7 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    The vast majority of these "multi millionaires / billionaires" are only following the laws and rules set up by Parliament.  You can't criticise people for following the rules to minimise their bills.  IF people break the rules, they should be penalised, but the rules as they stand now allow people to reduce their tax payments by 'offshore' means.

    Yes, but you also have to appreciate that these same multi millionaires / billionaires are the ones that fund the political parties with donations, campaign funding, buying media outlets and publicising stories that go in their interests. 

    The rules we have now have been set by the top 1% to preserve their wealth and property. 

    The scale of which they could never spend in multiple lifetimes, and their fortunes swell beyond measure whilst everyone else is expected to tighten their belts. 

    Sunak himself worth £730,000,000. 

    Apparently made £4.7m over the last 3 years but only paid 20% tax. 

    People making several million in ‘profit’ each year only paying 20% capital gains tax whilst someone on PAYE earning just over the 40% threshold gets nailed for almost half of the income. 

    I know several Nurses, teachers, doctors, builders, paying 40% tax as they have worked very hard in their roles and specialised, yet the PM only pays 20%. 

    The billionaires who fund the parties aren’t going to change the rules are they? 

  14. 3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    A massive amount of Council budget goes on various aspects of social care that the councils have assumed responsibility for. It never used to be part of their remit to get involved in stuff like that.

    If they concentrated on core responsibilities like schools, roads, bins etc and left charities to run the rest like thay do in other countries it would be better for everybody.

    They haven’t ‘assumed’ responsibility for it, it’s a legal requirement that they are responsible for it through various pieces of legislation. 

    Republic of Ireland doesn’t have an NHS. 

    My friends aunt was dying of cancer, she got a nurse visit about once a fortnight. In between she was left at home alone and her elderly husband / family had to do it. 

    Here in the UK people refuse to take on the role of the carer for relatives and say it’s not their job and refuse to do it. I see it often in my job. 

    I’m not saying either way is ideal, but as usual, we have the expectation here in the UK that the Government should sort it out. 

    Then they moan if the persons got tons of money/ a house worth several hundred thousand and is expected to pay for the care. 


  15. Yes it’s such a rip off they’re rolling in your money. 



    Like I’ve said before, either our expectation of public services is too high or we (as a collective country) aren’t paying enough in.

    (And yes some of the cost will be down to inefficiency / bad management… but show me a company that’s 100% efficient!). 

    At least Labour are saying the multi millionaires / billionaires should start paying some tax instead of harbouring their money in off shore accounts and paying less than a nurse on PAYE. 



  16. 2 hours ago, Stephenwilko said:

    OK then Post it to me and if after I've checked it and tride it out and all is well then I'll send the money yeah.

    In what way, because I say it as its and because I tell folk wot they are, yeah I suppose I am a friendly sort thanks 

    Give it a rest Stephen, clearly you’re just a messer. 

  17. 27 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    Same here. I'm having a hell of a job trying to zero it though. I'm trying with a collimator first, as I've done 99% of the time with all of my scopes. Looking through the scope at the collimator, it's a hell of a way out (high/low) to the collimator centre. I've altered the adjustable mounts (back one 1, then 2 'notches') but still not near the centre, and I've run out of elevation (down) so I tried adjusting the front mount, which made it worse. I'm beginning to think that the scope is not suitable for the rifle! I've put it away now as I'm starting a bank of night shifts tonight.

    I only had a quick go with the air rifle at 10m and some 30mm Hawke mounts and got it zero’d pretty sharpish.


    What mounts you using? 

  18. 8 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    I bought it because of it's compact size, which is better suited for my rifle. I agree about the tube/scope mounting, there's very little allowance. Luckily for me, it was okay. 

    First impressions of the scope, very nice! 

  19. 11 hours ago, GingerCat said:

    Had to say goodbye to an old friend today. Archi, he was 10, had a very rapid cancer. From him going off his food to today was less than a week. He hadn't lost condition. Just didn't want to move.took him to the vet and he was riddled. Such a kind dog, never bit anyone, couldn't catch a squirrel if his life depended on it. Slept in the same bed as the cat and loved the kids. Will miss you pal. 

    So sorry for your loss. 

    Have to take my old spaniel Jess who lives with my mum to be PTS next week. 

    She’s made 14 but her legs are going and keeps collapsing. 

    Dreading the day. 

  20. 17 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    I have to say that I never adjust the reticule when shooting at various distances, even on those that you can return to zero. 

    Any reason you bought this scope then compared to one with capped turrets? 

    My mate has bought one and dropped it round mine as he wants me to setup his new air rifle for him. 

    First impressions, scope looks nice, very compact for a 4-16x zoom… not a lot of tube for scope ring mounting… I am hoping that the eye relief won’t be an issue! 

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