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Posts posted by greylag

  1. Another great video,I do look forward to your adventures and although you lost a duck this time the youngster will soon learn.

    The water has certainly risen and it must have been a little daunting when, you turned up in the dark.The fields around us have flashes all around enticing the ducks off the tide for a forage on worms etc.

    The algae seems to have gone ,and not before time.Thanks again for letting us watch your wlldfowing.

  2. NRW role over again.The "Welsh Government" run NRW never mind what the people want Drakeford and his little army will get their way.

    They have publicly said they are against shooting for pleasure.While this tin pot lot are in charge countryside activities in Wales could be doomed never mind how much money it brings to the table.The economy minister is against it ,rural affairs minister is against it ,in fact every labour cabinet minister would vote to ban any form of shooting.

    We have a huge fight on our hands.

  3. Good to have you back posting your usual exciting vids.

    Have been watching the developing story about the Lough with some alarm it's good to see it's subsiding ,the wind and temperatures probably help.

    The shotcam is a nice touch and shows both the good and bad which makes me feel much better seeing you miss sometimes.

    Great to have you back and may your season continue as it's started.

  4. I have recently returned from a holiday in west Wales and while there several racing pigeons were seen wandering ,obviously lost.

    On further investigation it was discovered that these birds were from a race from France to Ireland.

    With the current conserve about avian flue I was wondering if these races are frequent and to what degree they are monitored by DEFRA.

  5. I watched this debate yesterday and it should be a clarion call to everyone who shoots in Wales and beyond that if we don't take some action the days of sport shooting are finished  in Wales.The minister said that the Welsh Government is against any form of live shooting .

    We cannot just lay down and let these ministers take this vital way of life away from us.

    I am convinced the Welsh labour ministers are not fully aware of how many of their supporters

     they are going to loose when these new laws come in. If you or any of your friends or family haven't replied to the consultation please do so quickly.



  6. Only 62 at the moment,surly there should be a better response than this.Game shooting in Wales is under attack by this totally anti shooting government.If we lose this fight all other forms of shooting will be next.Wildfowling will undoubtedly be in the firing line.

    Please pigeon watch members get your replies in and if you live in Wales write to your SMs and push them for their answers.

    Our countryside way of life is at steak.


  7. You cannot fathom the way NRW think.There is no scientific evidence on any of the new general licences and it is proof that the anti shooting Labour Welsh government are driving the decisions being taken by NRW.

    The new licences will not be published until the  1st of July so not giving the shooting community chance to be conversant with them before they become law.






  8. With local elections on the horizon and I can't wait for them to knock my door asking for my support.Drakeford and his followers have been playing politics in Wales for over twenty years and we are going backwards.

    We must stand up for what we believe in,or our sons , daughters,and grandchildren will only read about what Wales used to be like.

  9. Simon Hart is secretary of state for Wales and as Mr Drakeford keeps telling us we are devolved and countryside laws and directives come from the Welsh government and not from Westminster.

    Simon Hart is undoubtedly pro countryside but has no say in the law making on this issue.


  10. Unfortunately there is not one member of the Welsh government in favour of country sports .They are determined to pick away at our way of life little by little,as can be seen from last week's decision by NRW a government funded organisation to alter the general licences .


  11. A goose on your debut trip,well done you.Dont believe the stories about them being poor eating,I have had plenty over the years and if prepared properly they make good eating.

    Hope you continue to enjoy your wildfowling and when the dog is old enough it will open up more shooting opportunities on the marsh.

    One bit of advice don't take photos of your bag next to the place you had success as it will soon become a popular with other members especially if they recognise the area.

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