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Posts posted by spanielboy

  1. no hes a springer! the springers here in NI tend to be smaller than those across the water...he isnt much taller than our 2 cockers which are a show/working mix. will have to take some pics as a comparison. personally i prefer a smaller springer... what about everyone else?

  2. ive worked him all season for my mate who bred him but he just needs tidying up and to be a bit more steady. Hes still quite puppy like but is a great worker! :yes: hes only with me a few days but is settling in already. does anyone know where the best place is to find info about dogs in his lines?

  3. im going to be doing some air gunning and out after the pigeons in the next number of weeks as the local farms are being tortured with pests. i need to buy a camo suit and was wondering which to get? i dont want to spend a fortune but i need it to be waterproof.

  4. appologies for hijacking the post but my mother and our 2 cockers were attacked by a lab an hour ago. it wasnt an aggressive attack but hurt the dogs and my mother. it jumped up and mouthed all round her chest and face and shes just a tiny wee thing. it even managed to push her infront of traffic...all the owner said was we are only back from work and she doesnt normally do this! :good:

  5. Was out beating yesterday and a friend had his 3 yr old GSP bitch with us. She is a great hunter but in between drives she has started to whine excessively. HE has tried everything to get her to stop so does anyone have suggestions of what to do?

  6. I had a really good day - was extremely tiring as the forest was still very over grown as there has been no frost.


    I took out my mates year old springer and he got on very well. i kept him on the lead most of the day and he proved to be quite head strong, but eventually he accepted i was boss and did what was asked of him. The next shoot is this Sat so will be taking him out again. I havent been looking too hard for a dog yet but this year old is tempting me! :lol: but we will wait and see!

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