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bullet dodger

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Posts posted by bullet dodger

  1. Out last night with the lamp using a red filter, my younger companion was able to spot rabbits easily in the red light but i could not see the reflections cleary enough to shoot. My vision is good but my question is : does the human eye lose its capacity to distinguish images in infra red light as you get older. Had to resort to white light which spooked the bunnies.

  2. I have a CZ 223 Lux ( hogsback stock ) and would like to modify it by fitting an American style stock. Edgar Bros have said they can supply one but would it take a lot of fitting or is it simply a bolt together job ?

    Has any one got a stock they dont want ?



  3. Programme on last night , managed to catch the last 10 mins, about urban Foxes ( in London I believe ). One old guy repairs damaged foxes and then releases them ( knowing full well its illegal ), old couple have " fox cam " in the back yard and feed the damn things, one guy hates them so much he has been baiting them for awhile in his back garden and called in a professional controller. They stake out the back garden from the bathroom window. The controller has an Anshutz ( 22lr ? ) with a " military spec night vision scope " and shoots the vixen when it comes for food. The dog comes in later to find the vixen and suffers the same fate.

    Now I presume this controller would of had to get police permission to shoot a firearm in a built up area ? The backstop was the lawn as he was shooting down from the window.

    The guy knew what he was doing but I was just surprised he was allowed to cull foxes by this method in the middle of suburbia.

  4. Out this morning with the HMR looking for rabbits when I spotted a fox about 300yds out walking down a hedgerow towards me. I watched for awhile and it slipped through the hedge into the wood. Although I was upwind of it I tried to spot it but it had disappeared from view. I waited 10 minutes but nothing.

    I began to walk back through the wood to our paddocks. On clearing the wood the fox was sat out in the field some 150 yds to my left. Using two large hayledge bales as cover I managed to get to within 80yds of it when it turned and walked into another hedgrow. I wished I had brought the 223.

    As I could no longer see the fox , I decided to stay put behind cover and wait. After about 5 minutes the fox appeared again , walking towards me on the other side of the hedge. He stopped ( very conveniently ) at a gap in the hedge about 45 yds away. He didnt feel a thing and dropped stone dead with a clean head shot. My first fox.

  5. Henry d. A recent case of sustained verbal and physical abuse ( 10 years ) led to the suicide of a mother and disabled daughter. They recieved no police help after repeated requests. Other cases of bricks through windows, cars vandalised on driveways, constant verbal abuse by adults and children over long periods of time. Some of these lowlife's have actually been caught on CCTV with no consequence. The victims are almost prisoners in their own homes. I suspect if someone was to retaliate against these people they would no doubt be arrested !

    It just makes me bloody mad.

  6. I am appalled to see on the news the antics of lowlife "asbo " neighbours from hell , making innocent peoples lives a misery. It seems they pick on vulnerable people in cowardly attacks and the local police chief ( south yorkshire ) didnt seem to give a ****.

    What would be your suggestions to deal with the ****holes ?

  7. James Captain 197cc

    Norton 650SS ( Smashed to bits along with right leg )

    Kawasaki Z900

    Yamaha RD250

    Honda CB500T

    Suzuki GS750

    Suzuki 1135EFE ( Heavily modded , in garage )

    Suzuki GSXR1000 K3 ( in garage )

  8. I have 3 CZ's 22RF , 17HMR and 223 . These are my first guns and I love them to bits. Been using them for 12 months now. The general consensus seems to recommend the fitting of trigger kits to CZ's to improve them. What specific difference would I notice if I were to fit the kit ?

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