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Posts posted by mark_mjs93

  1. :blink: bruno i was thinking something more along the lines of... LOOK this week has been **** for me... i have had my shrink phoning me all week trying to find out if im ok... its true he has... she thinks i have multiple personality disorder or something... i dont see why he seems perfectly normal to me.... THEN yesterday someone called me crazy... HE AINT CRAZYYYYYYYY!!!!!! and then the police got involved but luckily there isnt anything he can do till they remove the tubes.... and at the moment im in a bit of a rush... if im not in court in errrrm 5 minutes im going down for more than just... well errrrm maybe i shouldnt tell you that... hes right he shouldnt.....


    that might help... and if that doesnt work well then i run and dive into a bush....

  2. norton 360 GOOD very GOOD... look after your pc... keep an eye on what you put on it and every month do a clean up, disk cleanup and defragment... delete unwanted files... your pc will run fine if you look after it....


    norton is EXTREMELY good, its you that slows your pc down.... by filling it with ****....





  3. yes but henry what were the chances of getting held at knife point just because some people fancied robbing you? or how likely were you to have a gun pointed at you? honestly times have changed for the worse.... but ill say now... i know that what goes around comes around and that wont be to soon...

    and hopefully it will be with the tables turned...


    but then again it takes a bigger man to walk away... so i geuss it will just involve a MASSIVE scare up... and then just a slight thump... best way to do it... break em.... then leave em... once broken thats it right... just leave it to lie.....

  4. tweedle... if i hadnt been frozen with fear and shock (with someone coming at you like they had a knife) i would have glady have "put his arm were it should have been2 if you get what i mean....

  5. baldrick...


    i have a loyal dog but he wasnt with me at the time... he is stil only a pup at the moment... but id rather them have a go at me than my dog he is only a pup and he is in all my companion he is obidient but i think if they tried to attack me he would rather play than help :lol: ALTHOUGH if they hurt him id would rip there bloody head of and hang said head from the nearest tree.... but im NOT going to jeapordise my chances of an SGC... have been wanting to try and learn Akido for a while, im going to self teach it... (if you dont know what it is check it out on youtube... its pretty cool... all about disarming/disabling your assailant (stopping said assailant... ive learnt some already but i would like to learn the helpful skills....)





  6. steve, i know what to do in a fight (thanks to my joys of a temper and boxing... oh and school fights help aswell) i like FM's thing about jeapordising my SGC well i wouldnt jeapordise it... if something happened they would throw the first punch (people around my way are cocky) at the moment im keeping my nose hidden... just relaxing around the house shooting and when the season open fishing (CANT WAIT 15 DAYS WOOO) im not short im just scrawny :good: i am in the process of trying to put some weight on and build myself a little (NO im not body building :lol: im just keeping in shape) 1 thing i have learnt in fight is to let them throw the first punch... this puts you in a safe posistion, anything that happens from then on, on your side is considered self deffence... i was taught in boxing a small sharp jab to the nose is a handy way to disorientate... honestly im not a strong lad i play rugby but my fitness has gone down hill recently... im going to get myself back to a good level of fitness and keep up with it... luckily im a good runner.... and i know when and were to run.... it was the fact it was in BROAD DAYLIGHT and it was right next to a main road... the only bloody time that the road is Quiet is the time i almost get mugged..... thanks for the help guys it is putting my mind to rest....

  7. hurstpol, your advice is helpful i will look at phoning the police but im still not certain.... as for the safe into a shop.... nope... about 2 months ago someone was chased into the shop at the end of my street with a pocket knife... (ok not a major blade but replace that little pocket knife with a eisbar or a machette not long before this country in my heart i wish that they would either sort out these god dam chavs and nutcase youths or let someone who knows what they are doing do so.... put me in possession of all the PW members arm them well and ill have this country turned around :good: )

  8. sorry i think i know what you mean... the blud stuff is seriously the way these chavs were talking... sorry about that... i like to be accurate.... (call me chavvist but i dont care... i hate them... scum of the earth...)



  9. IVE OFFICIALLY LOST ALL FAITH IN THIS COUNTRY.... on friday i went out with 3 mates (2 girls and frank) well it was a great day (i really dont go out often... im a right house hermit me) and we went down the river, all good there well when it came time to walk back we headed off got tog a chat... a main road (cardington road for those who know bedford, at the junction on to mareth road) we werent causing trouble just walking along having a chat when the unmistakeable CHAVVY words from behind us are heard "OI BLUD" we didnt react we carried on walking while they kept calling to me and frank... as we went onto mareth road (a simple right) i took a glimpse 5 or 6 of em.... they noticed i had looked "oi blud what you got for me" i was gobsmacked (my mnd ran i was ******** out) one (an idian lad) came up to me with his hand behind him under his jacket (well obviously now im jelly) he came up and they continued to say "what you got for me what you got for me" "what you got in your pocket" "turn out your pockets i wanna see what you got" i reffused then the young idian fella tried to pat me down (grabbed at my right pocket, luckily my mobile was in my other pocket) i slapped his hand away... then "oi blud dont touch my boys hand like that" well now i got brave (was with my best mate of 12 years (lauren) and my ex (amy) and i was trying to keep attention from them) well i said "no he tries to pat me down again ill deck him" (my mind was screaming at me, WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU DOPY PILOK) then "OI BLUD WATCH WHAT YOU SAY TO ME...." then the idian went for my pocket again i spun pushed him away... i walked as fast as i could away then "OI HE'S GOT A PHONE GET IT" I TURNED AROUND AND THEY HAD GONE FOR FRANK I WAS ABOUT TO GO BACK TO HELP HIM WHEN HE GOT LOOSE OF EM... he came up to us quick and we just walked fast away with the girls... i was still pretty freaked out when i got home... but it brings me to my point.... what the hell are the youth coming to... im 15 but i dont go round trying to mug people... as soon as i got home i told mum... and then my brother popped over after work and mum told him (GREAT) and then i got a lecture on getting a distance from and asailant and phoning him (he works at vauxhall as a mechanic so he wasnt far...) but i darent risk taking my phone out of my pocket during a situation like that..... i could understand his point he doesnt want people trying that sorta thing (esspecially after what happened to my cousin danny, broken jaw, broken nose, split lip, cauliflower ear, concussion just because he wouldnt give them his wallet and there were 8 of them) my brother also mentioned the get a punchbag and use it idea (he has mentioned it before but i never thought it necesary, now i do) i used to box but i havent for years and now im thinkng of going back just to learn to protect myself because im actually a scrawny little weakling....


    what would you have done? if you were me would you have phoned my bro? or would you have just run till you were safe? or fought back?

    taught them a lesson? (bare in mind there were 5 or 6 of them... and im scrawny although when angry i can pack a punch

    because it keeps going through my head... what i should have done... what i could have done.... what i didnt do... and im looking for a bit of a varied answer to clear it up

    (before you ask about ringing the police.... DONT... i didnt because they wouldnt have done anything... they didnt steal anything from me or my mate...luckily, but they wouldnt have done anything





  10. Yeah land is cleared. Have a 350 acre farm..


    The field the range is in has a backstop of a mound of earth in a hedge about 5 M thick of compact dirt :D



    then get out there and SHOOT... i mean if you have a farm you can go out and pop rabbits aswell.... best of luck mate, a good peice of kit for your range will also be a target holder... not sure who it was was making them on here not long ago... looked pretty hardy i was gonna get one for my air rifle.... ill track down the thread for ya bud...





  11. ok i wasnt sure were to post this one.... today i got a letter through from basc about a young shots meet at a clay range near me... now i have NEVER been to a young shots meet so i dont know how it will play out.... also can someone help me clear up a few grey spots for me....


    it is clay shooting... will i require a shotgun certificate when im going to a basc shoot?

    the letter states the fee as £15 does this cover carts gun etc?

    how will the day play out?

    and what should i wear? i have a weird feeling that the others there will be dressed like posh game shooters (not stereotyping, im just giving you an idea)

    i can imagine turning up in jeans and a shirt and getting the WORST looks ever....


    also... i have shot clays a few times before (not at a clay range... a family friends farm, he was there and let me use his gun) but i was really bad... on the young shots day is tuition available? im looking to sort my SGC out one day soon and i would like to get some good tuition before hand...


    thanks people





  12. that will teach you for buying a bloody passat :lol: what is the world coming to.... ;) seriously though... get that frontera out on the road.... any car messes with you... DRIVE OVER EM... :hmm:

  13. never shot one... have seen them shot, but as for the beauty contest thing... i think thats rubbish :lol: my opinion they are lovley guns.... :hmm: here is the one i have been looking at for a while.... click LOVLEY LOOKING GUN....

  14. ok if you live in a residential area (town, estate, city) BAD IDEA.... if your in the countryside its different.... your Sako is a firearm correct? im pretty sure land needs to be cleared for the use of a firearm (high powered rifle) correct? IF you happen to meet these requirements... then i would OBIOUSLY recommend you have a safe backstop.... for my air rifle in the garden i have a metal box with the front and bottom cut off... i mounted that on to wooden legs and they have a metal spike on the bottom of each, this is so i can remove it.... i have a pile of a sand behind that just for good mesaure (because you are using a high powered rifle i really wouldnt recomend building a rifle range for your garden...) if you really cant wait then you may (to stay with the law) just pay to go down the local rifle range.... im pretty sure you can get in there..... better yet.... get your backside around the farms and knock on doors... surely if you have your FAC already you already have a permission? if so ring your farmer and ask if you can go down tomorow..... im pretty sure he will say yes....


    but really i wouldnt recomend a rilfe range in the garden (its best to pay and got to a rifle range than risk hurting yourself someone else... or losing your license because you are shooting in the garden :hmm: honestly, id rather pay a couple of quid than have ARV burst through my back gate aiming MP5's at me :S


    best of luck mate... and tell me how you gert on with the SAKO i have admired the quad since release.... if i ever get around to getting an FAC i would like one... tell me what you think when you have it...

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