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Vince Green

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Posts posted by Vince Green

  1. That he was guilty - no doubt, everyone knew that before the case even started.

    But in America strange things happen with regards to the law. You have to look no further than the OJ Simpson trial.

    Jury members names will be out in the public domain and they are vulnerable to threats or reprisals from Trump supporters. 

    I'm glad he's been found guilty. He's made a career out of exploiting the legal system for his own twisted ends


  2. 1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

    Not sure about that Vince. The Post Office were legally bound to pass over the information. Everyone who had access to the outside company's report will have to be interviewed and it will have to be established just who it was sent to and who decided not to action it. Anyone in the legal department would obviously know the law on disclosure and will not want to carry the can for failure to do so.

    Yes somebody will be dragged screaming to the scaffold but whether or not it will be the people who really deserve to be punished. Or will it be just some token sacrificial lambs to make it look like justice has been done?

  3. On 29/05/2024 at 11:32, Gordon R said:

    Police are recruiting 80 staff to work on investigating Post Office staff. Perjury, perverting the course of justice have been mooted, but there must be "conspiracy" in there too.

    The problem will be achieving evidence to the high level required to go to court.

  4. On 25/05/2024 at 11:11, amateur said:

    She is a prime example of the "Peter Principle".

    It's an absolute certainty that in a big organisation like the Post Office she couldn't have risen up through the ranks the way she did without having a  very tough side to her nature.

    In all big organisations like that the office politics would be dog eat dog every step of the way. You can't take what she says now as being anything like what really happened. 

    She is just trying to deflect the blame hoping others will carry the can 

  5. 19 hours ago, Minky said:

    I read that nothing is cast in stone and that person don't have to go and be trained as servicemen and that they can opt to do work in the comunity and stuff like that. I can't quite see the point of this.

    That's what national service would probably end up looking like

    I can't see them marching up and down on a parade ground getting yelled at.

    National Service came in after the war because we had army /navy /Air force establishments all over the world that still needed to be manned. Even though they weren't on a war footing anymore.

    To keep the national servicemen occupied they imposed a huge round of mind numbing inspections and bull.

    Today we wouldn't be able to house a load of national servicemen and there is nobody to train them. 

  6. On 24/04/2024 at 19:33, Mice! said:

    Everyone will say what they like,  Airguns don't seem to be selling that well at the moment so I'd say it's a buyers market. 

    I'd try and see what's local, find a couple if you can and shoulder them, you'll find one that fits and others that don't. 

    I'd add the R10 Mk11 into the mix, you'll pick one up for 4-500.

    See what's about then ask what follk think of the price.

    Nothing is selling well in the gun world at the moment. If Labour get in at the general election it can only get worse.

  7. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Works both ways, the Labour party also gets large donations, mainly from the Trades Unions, but also from wealthy individuals.  In Q2/24 Labour had larger donations from wealthy individuals than Conservatives (see link below).  They just don't like to talk about it.  Blair is also a multi millionaire and his son a very wealthy multi millionaire.  Starmer isn't exactly a pauper.


    The idea that the Tories are only funded by the rich and Labour don't take funds from the rich is nonsense.

    Money buys influence the world over; always has and always will.

    Jeremy Corbyn is multi millionaire too. That's Socialism for you.

  8. 3 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    They haven’t ‘assumed’ responsibility for it, it’s a legal requirement that they are responsible for it through various pieces of legislation. 

    Absolutely not true. They have some responsibility but most councils go far beyond what they are required  to do by law. Hillingdon Council (NW London) have two municipal golf courses.  Both loss making, they used to have a dry ski slope.


    Republic of Ireland doesn’t have an NHS. 
    No other country in Europe has a free health service

    My friends aunt was dying of cancer, she got a nurse visit about once a fortnight. In between she was left at home alone and her elderly husband / family had to do it. 

    Same in Spain.  A friend of ours died from cancer in Spain last year. He got absolutely nothing in the way of help. If it wasn't for two neighbours who stepped up although they weren't family, he would have died alone

    Here in the UK people refuse to take on the role of the carer for relatives and say it’s not their job and refuse to do it. I see it often in my job.

    that's because you let them get away with it. 

    I’m not saying either way is ideal, but as usual, we have the expectation here in the UK that the Government should sort it out. 

    Then they moan if the persons got tons of money/ a house worth several hundred thousand and is expected to pay for the care. 



  9. 3 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    The vast majority of these "multi millionaires / billionaires" are only following the laws and rules set up by Parliament.  You can't criticise people for following the rules to minimise their bills.  IF people break the rules, they should be penalised, but the rules as they stand now allow people to reduce their tax payments by 'offshore' means.

    And often, because of international free movement the money is often earned abroad.

    Rishi Sunak's wife came in for a lot of criticism because she paid no tax in this country. The wealth she has is because she has shares in her father's company in India. It stays in India and never touches these shores.

    If Starmer thinks he is going to make the likes of the Saudi Royal family pay tax in this country he is absolutely deluded.

    Whipping up envy against the rich will just drive them out of the country. Then we lose the benefit of all the cash they spend here now.

    Big own goal

  10. Collecting data on people and selling it on is a massive business these days.

    We took our grand daughter to the zoo a few weeks back. In the old days you would rock up on the day, hand over some money and walk in.

    Now you have to book tickets on line which requires you to open an account. Giving over all sorts of details like your name, address, email, phone number etc.

    It's only a matter of time before I get asked to sponsor an elephant or contribute something to a charity rescuing donkeys.

  11. A massive amount of Council budget goes on various aspects of social care that the councils have assumed responsibility for. It never used to be part of their remit to get involved in stuff like that.

    If they concentrated on core responsibilities like schools, roads, bins etc and left charities to run the rest like thay do in other countries it would be better for everybody.

  12. 4 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Just as Blair planned a permanent Labour 'base vote' by a combination of keeping a large number of people on various 'benefits' and handouts, and lots of immigration, lowering the voting age will be another 'base vote' because it is easy for the naive to be influenced by the idea that 'taking from the rich and giving to the poor' will be 'fairer' and will solve all the worlds problems.

    Why are EU nationals allowed to vote in our elections when we have absolutely no reciprocal right to vote in theirs?

    The Migrant Democracy Project (a left wing pressure group) wants to give the vote to all migrants. They will have support from within the Labour ranks because again its gerrymandering votes for Labour.

  13. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    I wish they would block voting at aged 70 stop those that can't keep up from destroying the future of the young. 

    That's just ageist. You could go to prison in Scotland for saying that.

  14. It's not some big mystery. Until 1976 it was perfectly legal to buy one and keep it as a pet. Lots of people did just that, even Harrods sold them. I can remember seeing a young cheetah for sale in Club Row Market in East London one Sunday morning and being allowed to stroke it.

    People kept them in their house or a home made cage in the back garden.  They were a fashion accessory.  Lots must have escaped or were turned loose when the fluffy cute little cub turned a bit scarey.

    Then the law changed, people that owned them were faced with big fines but they couldnt even give them away. Zoos didnt want them . So many were turned loose.

    it still isn't illegal to keep them now but you do need a licence. I'm sure though there must still be a black market.

    When I used to shoot around Hertfordshire in the early 80s they were there alright. The farmers and gamekeepers never stopped moaning about them.But the Ministry of Agriculture were on the case, tracking them down and shooting or trapping them. But they always maintained a wall of silence, they still do.

  15. A name has been put up now. It's not a current presenter and his name has already been flagged up as a creep. I think he's been under investigation for a while. 


    I'm not going to repeat the name on here out of respect for the forum but when you hear who it is I doubt many will be suprised



  16. The man is a crook, his father was a crook.  His father laundered billions of dollars of dirty money for the mafia into so called legit real estate developments and the Trump fortune came from those property deals

    Trump has spent a lot of time distancing himself from the mafia connections but the truth is he is still a mafiao and always will be. 

  17. 1 hour ago, old'un said:

    think there lots of hoops to jump through before you can set any traps.

    DEFRA are not keen to issue licences to catch signal crayfish because you will take the big adults out of the water.

    It turns out signal crayfish are cannibalistic and the adults eat their own young and eggs. I think it's a rubbish reason  but if you are going to trap them you have to do it to saturation levels over a long time.

    There are also issues over access to land, trespass, fishing rights etc

  18. 22 hours ago, London Best said:

    It is the same anywhere a TV series has been filmed. 
    One place which springs to mind is Plockton. Totally ruined after the Macbeth TV series.

    You get a lot of that down in Cornwall.  Doc Martin, Fishermans Friends, Poldark and now Beyond Paradise, as soon as the camera crews move out the souvenir shops appear.

  19. 4 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    The green agenda is nothing but a taxation scam. Khan looks after Khan.

    This ^^^^^

    We are not banning pollution we are just charging people to go to work, doctors, do their shopping etc

    And don't say electric cars are the answer because they have a worse pollution footprint than a ten year old petrol car, which is banned.

  20. Unbelievable!!!

    He does nothing except pursue a massive persecution of the motorist.

    Congestion charge then ULEZ, virtually blanket 20mph speed limits everywhere.

    Now they are are talking about pay per mile.

    He is obsessed 

  21. When we voted on Thursday they turned away a young lad because he had a beard but not in the photo on his ID. The clerk on the desk had a good squint at his card and then called someone more senior.

    So it's not like you just flash your ID and nobody checks its actually you. They are taking it seriously

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