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Vince Green

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    NW London and now Cornwall

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  1. And what about all the US gold reserves allegedly held by the US in Fort Knox but nobody has seen it for 40 years? The conspiracy theorist believe it has been sold to prop up the failing economy. Much the same as Gordon Brown sold our gold reserves to fund his mad policies
  2. It's a complicated set of circumstances but basically China has been playing the long game. Producing goods cheaper than the home manufacturers can compete with so the home manufacturer goes bust and then China has the monopoly
  3. Don't take your eyes off America. National Debt now one and and a half times GDP and still rising almost exponentially. China has been buying dollars since the 1970s and now holds an unknown amount but almost certainly its a very large figure. If China wanted they could tip all those dollars onto the world currency market in one go. That would cause the value of the dollar to crash and then China could buy them back at the lower price. Sending the US economy into a massive recession. It's a very dangerous time in the world. USA close to the edge, EU close to the edge, and China getting stronger all the the time. Now we have a Labour Government peddling retro socialism and Trump wants to impose import tarriffs.
  4. Basically the show is as much up the creek as Wallace at the moment
  5. What is he going to do now? Because he is not going back to the way things were before, and I can't see that he has a lot of other career options open to him? His prospects don't appear to be all that good.
  6. You do have to wonder don't you? The most likely explanation is that he was able to conceal the truth from the licencing authority.
  7. Yes I can believe that because in the States, especially in the rural areas, they are still living in a time warp but from my experience a lot of the women are not exactly shy or slow off the mark either.
  8. You see! There is always someone willing to get offended when they think there's money to be made
  9. If you can get investigated for just saying inappropriate things years ago then we are all potentially in trouble. The world was a different place then. Look at some of the content the BBC was putting out then, compared to now.
  10. It was so much easier when we all had paper cartridges and fibre wads.
  11. At one time I was the only male working in an office with six female data analysts. The banter was just as inappropriate (more if anything). I overheard a lot of very smutty discussions. As usual it will be trial by silence. Nobody is saying what he has allegedly done, or when, or to who. It will be like that dancer on strictly, when it all came out in the end he was more or less cleared and the woman making the allegations suddenly went very quiet.
  12. Some years ago we all went out to an Indian restaurant after work for some sort of celebration. My colleague was Indian, born in India and didn't recognise most of the stuff on the menu as being Indian food as he knewn it. For a start, most Indians are Hindu and hence vegetarian.
  13. We saw him a couple of years back at the O2 and he was pretty dire then I can't imagine he needs the money so why expose himself to the humiliation?
  14. Vince Green

    Ah well.

    Not even bricks and mortar. Down here in Cornwall all they seem to be building are low budget timber framed houses. My friend, who is a Chartered Surveyor, says they are being built down to the lowest possible spec that they can get away with. That doesn't fill me with confidence for the future.
  15. Since 1909 and Lloyd George's "people's budget" the idea that the so called rich should fund the lifestyle of the so called poor has been an ongoing fundamental of the lazy greedy socialist movement. At the end of the day, those that create wealth, jobs and put money into the economy should be rewarded and encouraged. Not discouraged, punished and despised by those who see no need to need to get out of bed in the morning. Socialism trys to sell the idea that some rich victim is going to pay for the lazy
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