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hill billy

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About hill billy

  • Birthday 08/06/1987

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  • From
    150 yards from a fox earth
  • Interests
    main loves are fox control and pigeon shooting but also do a lot of general vermin control

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  1. Hello I hope you guys can help I'm trying to make some 25-06 brass out of .270 Iv successfully made a couple so far but I'm worried about neck thickness. I measured the out side neck size of a fired 25-06 case from my rifle and it measures 0.291 then I measured the out side neck size on a loaded converted bullet which measures 0.286 leaving it with 0.005 to expand in my chamber. Also the internal neck of these converted bullets are about 0.002 thicker. Would you say they are okay or need trimming. I have put a loaded dummy converted bullet in my rifle and it cycles with out fault
  2. I have got a tikka t3 hunter standard weight barrel. The loads I have perfected to less than half inch at 100 yards are as follows All use federal 210 primer 75 grain hornady v-max with 46 grains of varget 3.115 oal 87 grain TNT hollow point with 45 grains of varget 3.115 oal 100 grain sierra pro hunter with 43 grains of varget 3.130 oal 117 grain hornady interlock with 39 grains of N160 3.170 oal Hope this helps I have got a tikka t3 hunter standard weight barrel. The loads I have perfected to less than half inch at 100 yards are as follows All use federal 210 primer 75 grain hornady v-max with 46 grains of varget 3.115 oal 87 grain TNT hollow point with 45 grains of varget 3.115 oal 100 grain sierra pro hunter with 43 grains of varget 3.130 oal 117 grain hornady interlock with 39 grains of N160 3.170 oal Hope this helps
  3. Hello mate my gear box bearing went on my discovery and it was obvious it had got because of the noise ( as it had gone quiet badly ) how ever in answer if your going along in any gear apart from top gear then let the vehicle decelerate with your foot off the clutch it will make either a noticble vibration or a loud clicking noise which will become quiet when you depress the clutch again. Hope that makes sense and helps
  4. Hi chaps, I was kindly taken pigeon shooting today by six hills and it's really set home how much I miss being able to go shooting when I please. I have spent two days thus far travelling round asking for permission and have not got a bean. Im still new to the area and can't even seem to find farm managers or owners to ask I'm getting pretty desperate for any kind of permission I have to admit, Cheers
  5. Cheers for the response chaps and I must say a beer would go down very well right now lol I have managed to find a range at garlands it's only about 20 miles from me there open 9 till 4 they have a. 100 meter range and it's only £6 per hour to use it which I didn't think was too bad at all
  6. Cheers for that six hills I have met Nigel a couple of times now very nice chap it has to be said he done some work for me on a couple of my guns last week I hadn't thought of asking him but i will definately will cheers for that
  7. Hi all iv just started a new job as a park ranger in Bradgate park in leicester, I'm having some problems I have no local knowledge having moved over 100 miles from home, I'm desperately trying to find some permission or even just a rifle range were I could use my centre fire rifles Cheers
  8. Hi all iv just started a new job as a park ranger in Bradgate park in leicester, I'm having some problems I have no local knowledge having moved over 100 miles from home, I'm desperately trying to find some permission or even just a rifle range were I could use my centre fire rifles Cheers
  9. Hi all iv just started a new job as a park ranger in Bradgate park in leicester, I'm having some problems I have no local knowledge having moved over 100 miles from home, I'm desperately trying to find some permission or even just a rifle range were I could use my centre fire rifles Cheers
  10. It works out cheaper yes dependant on what components you use, but the accuracy is depending on how much work your willing to put into the preperation of your rounds, if you try different seating depths, bullet head types, powders and primers then yes you will get a more accurate round because you talor make them to suit you and your gun so it is worth doing
  11. Iv used a semi auto mate and the following is what i have found they may not apply to you because every gun is different but : Try to avoid less than 28 gram loads as they will not has sufficient recoil or power to work your semi auto's action every time Try to avoid 2 1/2 inch shells as some (myn and my friends) jam as they try and release two cartridges at the same time from the magazine *Find a cartridge that is reasonably priced, readyily avalible that you shoot well with and STICK TO IT ! i have wasted so much money and miss opertunities to get large bags of pigeons just because i kept swaping and changing the shells i fired
  12. The only thing i would say about shooting that lighter bullet is ensure they are not too fast for the barrell, I brought some 40grn ballistic tip for my 22-250 which travel around 4300 fps and were great up to 100 yards, however over 100 yards they began to tumble and hit all over the place to which i later was told was due to my barrel twist rate was too slow
  13. Hello im having a bit of a clear out and wondered if anyone would be interested in any of these or all of them, there all in mint condition and all work on my PS3 PM me if you want more info or make me an offer Cabela's Danderous Hunts 2007 (For the PS 2) £10 (£12 posted) Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 (For the PS 2) £10 (£12 posted) Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2008 (For the PS 2) £10 (£12 posted) Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009 (For the PS 3) £15 (£17 posted) Or if you want all of them £45 inc postage.
  14. To be fair to the club we went to in farmbridge through as al4x said we wouldnt be true sports men if it was all roses all the time, the setting, the team that organises it couldnt be any better they truly where great, there was more ducks and geese than iv ever seen in the surrounding areas we just didnt have the weather for it, it was just unfortunate about the mud !
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