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Posts posted by bindi

  1. HI Sniper,

    if you want to customise, then I would do it conservatively, possibly by adding a gold/brass coloured trigger/guard, but if you use it for hunting this might not be a good idea.

    How about having it hydrographic dipped, that would look pretty cool,



  2. I have one of these on order but it might take a couple of weeks to come.


    Does anyone haveone laying around that they can send me. Its the adjustment screw that sits behind the trigger blade on a HW air rifle. I think there might also be a tiny spring that goes with it. Its the screw that adjusts teh pull wight.


    I guess this one has fallen out at some time and now the trigger is U/S.


    Any condition fine, just as a put me on, until the new one arrives




  3. Hey sniper-blend,

    you just sold me your old hw95, you should have hung onto that and used it as a practice to do the stock up.

    I too wouldn't mess with your lightning stock, it looks great as it is!

    If you're stil unsure, just get a really knackered old stock and have a go on that, it can be really tricky to get them looking really good

    best wishes


  4. as above but remember to enjoy and love youre dog as he/she loves you!!!

    What have you been inhaling now kirky !!! :lol:


    Just been chasing mine round the garden trying to stop it eating its own ****, luvvvly jubbbbly NOT !! :lol:

    Yes, they tend to do that, partic with sheep ****, most annoying, and can't taste that good surely?:lol:? :lol:

  5. Then people on here shouldn't make false assertions that something is "illegal", rather than choose the more sensible wording "accepted good practise"


    Now i feel a bit happier cos I've been trying to find legislation on this sod all day!!


    And couldn;t find a dickie bird. :*)


    Now I going to the pub!


    Anyone for a few beers?:rolleyes: :thumbs:



  6. bindi, 50 quid + £2 1st class post -- Deal or No Deal?


    Keep the mounts!



    No Deal, but nice of you to let me keep the mounts!


    So don't be cheeky. if you want it, its now £80 without the mounts.


    Try to buy one for less than a 100


    good hunting



    £70 inc sportsmatch mounts to everyone else

  7. ok, here's how we started with bindi,


    She was already 10 months old when we got her so we started with verbal commands as this is what she woudl have been used to.


    If yours is a puppy I would start with verbal commands and follow immediately with the whistle command. For a general sit and stay command we use SEET followed by TWO quick toots on the whistle. For come back here now (you lil b@stard) command we use HERE GIRL followed immediately by ONE longer blast on the whistle.


    We did this for 2 weeks and then moved onto the whistle commands only, She has learnt and responds well.


    We also give verbal commands with the whistle just so she remembers both.


    We reward with one little dog nut, when she does it well, and this is the incentive that any dog will need, and is better than a fuss of the dog, which can make them a bit soft.


    Type of whistle hasn't been of importance to bindi. I use ONE very nice antler horn whistle for all commands. I did try with two whistles at first but just ended up getting confused myself so the dog had no chance.


    I always say, keep it as simple as possible.

    She puts many a dog to shame with her behaviour



    hope this helps

    Bindi(mark) :rolleyes:

  8. give the guy a break,


    All he wants to know is how to strip an 80 down and rebuild it, replacing any damaged or worn bits.


    I have ahd all my guns "tuned" and all have been circa 11.5 ft lbs, to make them quieter and smoother in action with all bits and bobs as tight as you like.


    perhaps someone might offer him some help here, without necessarily jumping to the conclusion that he's about to convert an old springer into a FAC airgun.


    I am sure he would be happy to receive tips "off-line"



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