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Everything posted by V8mondo

  1. Guys, I did not start his thread for anything but a bit of debate. The title was a little tongue in cheek actually ! I do not agree with the stupid card either. I am sure the reporter was using the article in a similar way. I think the police have a job to do and should be allowed to do it within the limits of the law itself
  2. Not sure if this has been posted here yet...sorry if it has ! From: Ed Chenel , A police officer in Australia Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced By a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by Our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent, Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent; Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)! In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300percent. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!) While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in 'successfully ridding Australian society of guns.' You won't see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information. The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note Americans, before it's too late!
  3. Of all the forums I visit, this forums members have to be the most educated and literate bunch of gun toting loonies I have ever come across to date. Thank you for your replies...and my increased confidence in the 'people' of Britain - I am still allowed to call it that aren't I?
  4. You will need planning permission. At minimum you will need to consult them. You will need scaled drawings of the elevations 1:100 and of the ground floor plan 1:50. As existing and as proposed. Take photos of the rear of the property too. Plus 1:500 and 1:1250 location maps - you can get them at www.ukmapcentre.com by email. You will only need the drawings for Planning, unless you want to be nice to your Building Control Officer. Also you will need a Building Regulations application *unless you have the window installed by a FENSA registered person/company*. If you decide to install it yourself, that is fine. You should go with a Building Notice application. NOT a Full Plans application. Saves time and you can begin work within 48 hours of notification. You will need to have the lintel inspected and also the window upon completion. You do not need trickle vents on repalcement windows. Advise them that the window will comply with Part L1B thermally at (1.8W/m2K), Part N if safety glazing is required - I think not- and if it is an inner room it must comply with Part B2 - means of escape, - window of 0.33m2 minimum opening.
  5. I always consider the universe that we know so little of - well we the people anyway ! The world turns, the solar system turns, the galaxy turns and therefore I guess the Universe turns too... I believe there are other dimensions/universes/multi-verses. The galaxy we are on the 'suburbs' of, is turning...so we are possibly in a 'Galaxy Spring time' of sorts, to put it in layman terms. Welcome to the 'Galaxy Summer of Love'
  6. V8mondo

    Arrested !

    In Britain, a senior diplomat-who served in the Mideast "and is considered an expert on the area"- was arrested for yelling at the TV while riding an exercise bike at the gym. Link
  7. Download this handy card, warning police officers that if a stop and search is intrusive, unlawful or malicious, you will take action. Link
  8. Sulfur dioxide emitted from volcanoes and from burning fossil fuel is the primary initiator of global climate change, according to Dr. Peter L. Ward, a retired U.S. Geological Survey scientist who continues to study the earth and its environment through his own company, Teton Tectonics. "Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas compounding global warming, but it is not the initiator of climate change," according to Ward. In a paper to be published this week, Ward concludes that sulfur dioxide emissions regulate the ability of the atmosphere to clean itself by oxidizing greenhouse gases. Sulfur dioxide reacts quickly with available oxidants, leaving few to react with other greenhouse gases. The primary oxidants, created by the effects of ultraviolet sunlight on ozone, are, like ozone, in limited supply. Ward observed that the highest rates of global warming in the past 46,000 years occurred precisely when volcanoes were most active. "When very large volcanic eruptions occur every few months," Ward says, "rapid warming follows. Too much sulfur dioxide in a short period of time causes warming." Link --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Millions of families face yet another hike in heating bills to pay for a massive expansion of green energy. Ministers say that the money raised will subsidise solar panels, wind turbines and wood-burning boilers for hundreds of thousands of homes. But critics warn that the levy is an 'insidious' stealth tax that will hammer households at a time of rising unemployment, falling incomes and economic uncertainty. We are already paying an average of £410 more on our annual energy bills after price rises last year of 59 per cent for gas and 26 per cent for electricity. The green levy, or 'Renewable Heating Incentive', is part of an energy package to be unveiled today by the Energy and Climate Secretary Ed Miliband. As well as grants for domestic windmills and solar panels, he will announce plans to insulate seven million homes. The measures will be funded by the levy on fossil fuel energy suppliers - which will be passed on to us in our household bills. DailyMail --------------------------------------- The mass energy audits will be part of the biggest overhaul of the housing stock since switching to gas central heating forty years ago. "The Great British Refurb" will fit every home in need of insulation in the roof or walls by 2015. By 2030 every home will be offered a "whole house" green refurbishment, including fitting renewable heat technologies like ground source heat pumps and solar panels. Launching a consultation on the scheme, Ed Miliband, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary, said teams of energy advisers would go around "house by house, street by street" to advise people how to improve their homes. Loans would then be made available to pay for the new technologies, that can cost thousands of pounds. It is not yet decided how the massive programme will be funded but it is expected a large amount of money will come from a levy on energy companies that will ultimately be passed onto consumers. An innovative "pay as you save" scheme will link any loan for home improvements to the house rather than the person so that when a family move the repayment passes to the next owner. This would mean people are more willing to invest in expensive technologies like a wood chip boiler. Mr Miliband said the heat and energy package will cut electricity bills and save millions of tonnes of carbon emissions so that every home is carbon neutral by 2050. Telegraph ------------------------------------------------------ DR JIM Buckee says he feels like a heretic, persecuted for his views and treated like an outcast. His crime? Being a climate change sceptic. Next week the former chief executive of the oil and gas firm Talisman, who has a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Oxford, will try to convince others that climate change has nothing to do with human activity. During a lecture at the University of Aberdeen he will argue that, far from warming, the Earth is set to enter a 20-year cooling period. Dr Buckee believes human behaviour has no effect on the climate and the vast sums spent by governments trying to promote renewable energy to cut greenhouse gas emissions are being wasted. Far from being a key cause of climate change, he says, carbon dioxide emissions have little or no impact. Scotsman
  9. How to Cure Rat Meat This recipe was originally intended for wild game, such as venison or boar, but works surprisingly well with roof rat meat. This is probably best with 9 -12 well aged rats. First you need a crock that is big enough to hold the rats you want to cure. First make the brine. For three gallons of brine, add to your crock: 1 1/2 lb. Kosher Salt, 5 oz. Sugar, 2 Tbs. Peppercorns, 1 Tbs. Whole Cloves 6 Bay Leaves, 10 Tbs. Pickling Spices, 2 Onions, Sliced , 12 Cloves Garlic, crushed, 10 Small Hot Dry Red Chiles, and enough cold pure water to make three gallons. Stir until sugar and salt are dissolved. Add rats, do not pack tightly, they need some room. A half ounce or so of Nitrate is protection against the possibility of Botulism. When the rats are in the crock, cover them with a plate, and put something on the plate heavy enough to ensure the rats will stay submerged in the brine. Tie a cloth over the top of the crock to keep out bugs. Store in a cool spot. Turn the rats every few days. A scum of white mold may form on top, but that is normal. The rats will be ready to cook in 2-3 weeks. What you don't use immediately freezes well. Check out this site for more: Recipes ala Roof Rat NOTE the addition of Nitrate !!! Important Ingredient apparently Remember, a rabbit is just a big rodent. The taste of the flesh is identical. TIP: when cooking rodents, pre-soaking up to 5 hours helps take away that pesky rodent flavor. AND the longer you cook it, with the other ingredients, the better the meat tastes.
  10. Welcome to the forum...I am relatively new also. Great site with a lot of good guys willing to help out. (unless of course you are, look-like or are related to, a pigeon !) Try - Worcester (Norton), just off J7 of the M5 Very friendly people and superb facilities. Called The Woodlands Airgun Club. It's based around HFT and the courses laid out there are pretty good. It's in lovely woodland and it's north of Worcester near Sinton Green. If you contact Daz or Mark on Woodlandsairgunclub@msn.com then they'll let you know more details. Down the A45 and there's the Jaguar Rifle Club at Browns Lane Coventry. Try the BFTA website for a few more. BFTA You might want to try looking on the 'Airgun BBS' and 'Airgun Forum' websites also. Lots of topics regarding finding land. I managed to get some land with just 30 letters to landowners - a bit costly in postage as you will need to include SAE with your letters. There are some Permission Letter 'templates' to look out for and customise for your own use. Some of them need a bit more than customising in relation to grammer/spelling etc.
  11. You are usually unindated with Sasquatch over there... the Yeti is from the Himalyas if I'm not mistaken?? You are obviously worrying about the 'Indian Uprising' you mentioned earlier and are seeing feathered warriors during the twilight hours! Do you 'still' make that moonshine in your state? Perhaps that is the problem!
  12. Past 5 months Large Black Cats seen over 120 times in Cambridgeshire as per the Local Paper this week. Some guy is placing stealth cameras around the county to try to catch them on film... Small deer are found mauled and several dogs have gone missing in mysterious circumstances. As for UFO's I dont think they are UFO's to people at the top... And if they were over Parliament and did beam them all up...would anyone notice?
  13. This essay I feel is appropriate here. Boudicca would not stand for it...for Roman Empire read EU. The Romans bit off a bit more than they cared to chew when they raped Boudica's daughters - the final straw. In every folk hero story, there is always one distinct action out of many wrongs, which finally proves too much for the victims. What do we really know of this great British Queen of ancient Britain? She was married to Prasutagus, and with him she ruled over the Iceni - the tribe occupying East Anglia - but under Roman authority. Like many other rulers in Britain at this time, Boudicca witnessed the suffering caused to her people by the heavy taxes, conscription and other indignities generated by the Roman Emperor Nero. The final outrage came when her husband Prasutagus died, and the Romans plundered her chief tribesmen and brutally annexed her dominions. This was too much for the Queen and she determined to take on Nero and his Legions. In this she was not alone, for tradition tells that all of south east Britain came to her side, ready to die for the Queen who was fierce enough to take on the Roman Empire. It's noteworthy that tribes which remained loyal to the Romans, (like the Catuvellauni) were not spared Boudicca's wrath. Boudicca's opportunity came when the Roman Governor General Seutonius Paulinus and his troops were stationed in Anglesey and North Wales. By the time Paulinus got back, the Roman municipalities of St Albans and Colchester had been burned to the ground by the Britons. Boudicca's warriors were more than a little intimidating. They virtually routed the Ninth Legion that had been marching from Lincoln to help Paulinus, and without additional support from Rome there was little he could do against the determination of these people. Eventually they marched on London and it was here at last that Paulinus faced Boudicca and her army of Britons in the field. We don't know where, (possibly the Midlands) but we do know that a desperate battle was fought, and although the Romans were the victors, they regained the province at great price. Many thousands of Britons fell in battle and those who lived were hunted down by Roman soldiers. But it would seem that Boudicca's actions had shocked the Roman world into adopting policies that were a little kinder. Some historians believe that the relative lack of Romano-British remains in Norfolk is testimony to the severity with which the Roman Empire crushed Boudicca and the Iceni peoples. Finally, faced with defeat, the proud warrior Queen took her own life, by drinking from a poisoned chalice. This much is well known; the challenge is to separate fact from the many legends. For instance, is she really buried under Platform 10 at London's King's Cross Station? We'll probably never know, because for centuries people have been claiming their own local sites as her final resting place.
  14. Try joining the UKHFT network and ask for your club to join the comp circuit for the year...it will get you some exposure ofr new members. Make sure you have good kitchen and lavatory facilities...also try to allow members 7 day access to the club ranges/plinking etc... My 2p worth... gets off soap box...
  15. We should all get together and start a pet food business...just a thought ! BTW where do the pet food companies get their rabbit meat? I called some of my local butchers and one guy said he had a good stock of them otherwise he would be interested...
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