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Posts posted by fielddweller

  1. Well we had a great day there today,the good weather brought them all out.

    Not into air rifles but was surprised how many folk are,there was loads of traders and have a go stands.So tried a few of the guns which was great fun and cost Β£5 for 20 shots and the guys helping were accommodating.Had a look at air rifle comp but as I couldn't even see what they were aiming at didn't stay there long πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Next a few goes on the archery always good fun, then into the main halls which were busy and very hot.Looked at a few guns and spotted a nice 410 o/u however can't justify another gun😟😠😠😠

    Over then to the clay line which was steady but absolutely baking hot,shot 37 which was ok but dropped 7 on stand 2 which wasn't that hard.hey ho.πŸ€”πŸ˜‘

    Watched a young lad with a Perrazzi vest shot 12 out of 12 on the pool shoot (anyone know his name) and then shot 10 out of 10 on stand 5 and shot most of them before they left the trap,quickest shooting I've ever seen.Didnt have time to follow him but I guess he shot 50 or very near.

    All in all for Β£9 a good day out.


  2. Fieldweller;

    The 50 bird cost Β£20 and yes it is Fibre only. They have a selection behind the 'desk' so to speak, gamebore velocity GB Evo (24g 8) can't remember the other ones, I just bought mine there.

    Yes there are a few guntraders there mate, Gilsan sports, Premier guns and Cheshire gun room main three though.


    Excellent news,shall take gun and credit card.

    Thanks Dave


  3. Whether you agree with the need or desirability of a PCC role or not, if a candidate supports shooting then please vote to get them in. Far better than a raving anti having all that influence.

    100% Correct. I have two pro shooting candidates of which one has answered all my emails so she is getting all our votes.


  4. Thanks fielddweller I have hardly any info on pcc candidates in my area, just used the link and all but one have an unconfirmed view on shooting. All the people I've spoken to have hardly any info on any candidates.


    If you fill in the form it then send them all the prepared email you might get a reply in time,I got 2 out of 4 so far both pro shooting.


  5. no stand at show just going for look about and meet some people near there carts at thetford we could not agree on price does not want to pay for quality don't worry I am not if I put a pallet in there it means I cannot realy sell to the area so for 30 000 on a pallet to be in a shop for say 10 weeks I can sell 60 000 to end users and estates in a month so what is the better deal for george


    As you don't have a stand how are we going to find you? I shall look for a dodgy looking Geordie bloke in the car park,and if I find you are selling cartridges?



  6. Nip them up but don't over tighten, shoot the gun for a bit and check if they come loose again. If they do then put a tiny amount of low strength thread lock on. Better method is if the treads are deep enough put two more grub screws over the top of existing ones as a check to keep them in place.

    Thanks for your input

    Definitely not enough room for 2 screws unless I can get some About 5mm in lenght,do you set the screws then add the glue? Once you've glued them is that it permently ?


    Just noticed we joined 2 days apart and I am 6200 posts behind,πŸ˜€πŸ˜„

  7. i don't think a course should set to beat up B&C class shooters it only takes one or two stands to sort the top shots out and I didn't think it needed so many sim pairs

    Didn't shoot the comp and very rarely do shoot any comp so can't comment on the targets.

    We've been today and shot the 100 sporting and all but one stand could be taken on report,however stand 1,2,4,5 and 9 were definitely better as sim pairs.Its a lovely ground and they are obviously investing heavily in it,new traps every where.We shot 300 and only 2 no birds.

    Top marks all round from me


  8. I don't doubt the dog is a cracker. I just don't particularly like the painting - the eyes in particular.

    I presume you know the dog and the painting is not a true likeness. Not sure what you do for a living but I'm sure a job in the banking industry would suit you well.


  9. Nnorman32

    Don't mean to hijack your thread,BUT 4 of us went to Park Lodge this week end and what a disappointment .No bird after no bird and loads of stands closed,they have two good high towers and hardly a trap in sight.

    Now we are not regular clay shooters but what stands were open were the same as our last visit in Sept,surely things need updating.

    They invested serious dough in the new club (which has a bar that doesn't seem to open), but the clay ground needs to be the main attraction.

    I doubt we will return for a while.


  10. lovely carts orderd yesterday delivered this morning even text the time of delivery bang on


    What was the cost inc delivery if you don't mind me asking?











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  11. I was up there last year and in a similar situation,but could only shoot on a certain day so went Bisley (Braidwood) it's about 90 mins drive if I remember correctly. Lovely ground with something for every one which might help you if Bywell is closed when you can go.

    Have fun it's a lovely part of the world



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