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Posts posted by ChAoS

  1. no idea where I am missing them


    Perhaps it'd be good idea to get someone to video you shooting (or, at least, "scaring") those wascaly wabbits. Then, you could view the results and do a post mortem.


    I, too, seem to have lost the knack with rabbits. I'm considering buying a cheap camcorder to get video of me shooting clays (and PSG) to see where I'm going wrong.





  2. The only one I know of is a Marlin goose gun - not sure if that's the name or just what they're called informally?

    It's not a Marlin. The one that I had said what it was, "Marlin Model 55" (IIRC).


    It had a 36" barrel. When I took it to the local clay ground, I had to unsling it from my shoulder before I could walk through the club-house door. :)






    P.S. It had a two-shot box mag that had been welded in as it was S.2.

  3. I can't make it *this* time but I'm keen have another go after the Fareham Fiasco. (*Next* time, I'll not bring my "posse", so I'll be able to wait until the (PigeonWatch) flock assembles.)


    Also, I've now got a PigeonWatch badge, so IDing everyone should be a tad easier.


    Have fun at the meet.





  4. I *used* to give blood until a little medical trouble stopped me. After reading this thread, perhaps I'll see if it's OK now. I also have a slight case of aichmophobia... :)


    One thing that I'd like to point out is that if you are O-neg, then your blood is special and particularly sought after. (It ain't *rare*, just "special".)


    So, if you don't donate and are O-neg, please consider becoming a donor.





  5. I've recently had to replace the broken firing pins on two of my M37s. Since I'd not done this before, I asked around for advice.


    It was suggested that before I fired a live round after the repair, that I fire a blank and inspect the primer to make sure that the replacement pins weren't too long. (The blanks were made by just taking a live cartridge and removing everything except the primer.)





  6. I've been having the same problem m'self which is why, on the "new format" thread, I asked Teal *exactly* how this works. If we knew *that*, then perhaps we could find out *why* it happens.






    P.S. I usually use an Android tablet and Opera Mini to access this forum. That *may* affect the reliability of the mechanism but without knowing how it works I wouldn't know.

  7. should have took shooting up when my dad was alive


    Same here. I only took up shooting after dad died and left me with a few "toys". It was six months later before I started clay pigeon shooting (which is what dad did) and - something that he would've *loved* - PSG.


    I now shoot PSG less than a mile from the farm where he shot clays.


    If he'd have known about CAS, he'd've thought that he was already in Heaven...


    So guys, go shootin' with yer dad while you can - you never know when he won't be there anymore.





  8. I am getting that error too - thanks to you both for raising it, I will search for a solution


    [Eddie] Glad to be of service! [/Eddie]


    Thanks for your efforts, by the way.






    P.S. If you want software broken, I'm your man - my username ain't a cool nickname, it's a *description*...

  9. Mobile theme is odd alignment of icons has gone off square and it's appearing where it didn't previously....


    If these are the collection of nine icons that includes the "mark as read" function, the missing one is, perhaps, the result of the error that I cited above.


    Do *you* see that error message? (On my machine, it's in dark-blue on black and so ain't easy to spot.)





  10. Anyone getting this error message?:


    " Error: Could not load template 'chatMobileLink' from

    group 'ipchat' "


    I'm using the mobile version, by the way.






  11. what's a good lever action shotgun that you can recommend me


    It's difficult to advise you since I've only ever "fondled" *one* lever-action shotgun - viz, my *own*.


    First, though, I must point out that "Chaos" isn't a cool nickname. It's a *description*. *Anything* I touch - or, sometimes, just get *near* to - breaks. No, really, I *mean* that.


    Therefore, when I describe problems that I've had with my lever-gun, you have to remember that I have problems with *everything*. (I recently had my three main guns out of commission, two of 'em with firing pins that I broke within three weeks of each other.)


    Everything after here should be suffixed with "as far as I'm aware"...


    There are two lever-action shotguns that I'm aware of: the Winchester 9410 and reproductions of the Winchester 1887. The former is very similar to the traditional "cowboy" lever-action rifle; you load 'em from the side and they feed and eject just like the rifles. These, I know very little about because I've never handled one.


    As for the '1887, you can go down two routes. The first is to buy the Chinese gun made by Norinco. It'll cost around six hundred squid. The other is the Italian Chiappa equivalent. It'll cost twice as much as the Chinese one.


    *I* elected - for *once* in my miserable life - *not* to buy cheap (and, possibly, *twice*). I bought a Chiappa "Cowboy Hunter" 1887 because:


    [a] It ought to have better fit and finish.


    It comes with a "lifetime" warantee.


    [c] It's multi-choke and comes with cyl, half and full chokes.


    [d] It comes with an "Speed Loader" adapter.


    I ordered it last May and took delivery (IIRC) in December. Yes, it took a *long* time coming. The Norinco can be bought off of the shelf, but the Chiappas are made to order.


    So, how does it shoot?


    I've got to say that for the purpose for which I bought it - PSG - it's pretty poor compared to all the boys (and gals) with their tacticool, black guns avec huge "shower rail" magazines. The Chiappa will only hold 5+2 and, since there's no safety catch - or, rather, only a "half cock" safety catch - I have to start "option 2" (ie, "cruiser ready" - full mag, empty chamber) and I am thus limited to six shots before I have to reload.


    And, I'm afraid, loading is *very* slow. You can load *one* pretty quickly. Two, ain't far behind. Any more, though, and it's "fumble, fumble" time.


    In addition, after a couple of outings, I took the forends off to make sure that it wasn't wet underneath and ... I couldn't get 'em back on again. :(


    This was - eventually - sorted (read "bodged") by the importer but, even so, I had expected this sort of problem to occur with the Chinese copy.


    Also, the stock is a little loose - it's not got any worse but I'm keeping an Eye on it.


    A couple of weeks ago, I took part in one of our club open matches and managed to come ... last. I was explaining the problems that I've had to a shooting buddy and, finally, he asked me whether I regretted buying it. I had to "fink" about this but the answer is, "no".


    I may have come last but I reckon that I had more *fun* than all the other competitors put together.


    So, yeah, it's expensive. It's slow to load. But, in the words of "Blackadder's" Captain Darling, it's also "*enormous* fun"! :)


    Hope this helps.





  12. absolutely no point in having an SGC under 15


    There are three (theoretical) advantages to getting a brat ^h^h^h^h child their own SGC - two for the kid and one for the parents:


    [a] The child can shoot where *only* SGC-holders are permitted.


    The child can be taken to a shoot by a *non*-SGC-holder.


    [c] It encourages the kid to "keep their nose clean", especially vis-a-vis *violent* misdeeds.






    P.S. I'm not sure how would work in practice; how do they retrieve their gun unless the SGC-holder is there to open the cabinet?

  13. Currently, I only use pump- or lever-action and the Sporting crowd are always interested to see something a little different. (S.1 one is accepted at all but *one* ground.)


    The DTL crowd gave us Icey Stares when we Pumped instead on Over-And-Undering. Mind you, manually-operated shotguns can break the "flow" of the more automata-like disciplines. (And, at the time, I *was* a newbie to shotguns.)





  14. Hello, Teal.


    There is a button if you click the box in the top right hand corner of the mobile site and select "Mark all as read"


    Yeah, I know but a single click was easier than all that scrolling and clicking. (I usually use 'Droid tablet to access the site, by the way.) In fact, the sequence is scroll-up, press "to the top" icon that appears, press the top-right button, scroll down to see the "mark as read", press "mark as read" and, finally, press "OK" to dismiss the "are-you-sure" twaddle.


    What I'd *really* like - and I realise that not *everyone* uses the "mark as read" facility - is a single button push to "mark as read" and *close* the current window.


    Generally, when using the PW forum, I start at the "new content" page and scroll down the pages, opening new tabs for each item I want to read. When I get to the end of the last page, *that's* when I want a "mark as read and zap current window" button.


    It'd be interesting to know how *others* use the forum. I bet we'd be surprised how many different variations of "method of use" there are.






    P.S. I'm typing this on a Linux PC. It didn't take me to the end of this thread when I selected it. D'you know *exactly* how this mechanism works? Perhaps I could shed some light on things if'n I knew how it worked.

  15. so this is solely for pigeons and corvids.


    So, perhaps what you need is an *S.1* pump - if you're shooting *lots* of birds, then "large-scale avian pest control" is Good Reason. :)






    P.S. Oh, I shoot pump- and lever-action, here; no double-barrell or semi-auto at *all*.

  16. The forum still doesn't always take me to the last post in a thread but, sometimes, it *does*. Anyone know why?


    Is there a "get you to the last post" facility on the mobile version?


    Yeah, more posts per page would take a *complete* page longer to load but, overall, it'd quicker. (Less navigation pointin' an' clickin'.) Also, don't forget that you can read one page while another is loading.






    P.S. I'd still like a single button that marked the forum as "read" on the mobile site.

  17. We managed to bump into Chaos on the way round.....


    Ah, yes - the hat gave me away, didn't it?


    I must apologise to you and Jeff for not appearing at the post-shoot drinkies. Not only were m'Posse impatient to *start* shooting, but they were keen to get going afterwards, as well.


    Next time we need to all wear pink carnations or the like to make sure of the meet up!


    Bloody good idea. Do they *do* Pigeon Watch hats (in high-vis colours)? I'll have to look into this.


    Blisteringly hot, i was the sweaty mess and only managed 45, losing it on the back 5 stands.....


    Jeffers managed a healthy 62 though, which was nice


    I gotta say that my first impression were that Jeff was going to turn in a good score. Whereas, The Posse's best was my cousin's score of 36/80 - we all struggled today but *my* excuse was that I had *exactly* the wrong gun to use for clay bustin'. (That's my excuse and I'm *sticking* to it.)


    oops just seen this sorry to miss out, would have been a warm day out, will keep my eye open for further meets


    I definitely think that another Eyeball would be a good idea. *Next* time, I'll come on my *own*. (Any *other* time, I'd have trouble rustling up a Posse of *one*; today, they *all* decides to turn up..)


    Anyway, it was nice to put at least *two* faces to (user)names. I hope to see y'all in the not-too-distant future.






    P.S. Me and FCOR* Sam had a go at the Flush. We were *carp*... I've discovered that m'gun likes to be pointed slightly "downhill" to load it easily and, of course, that's exactly what you *can't* do in them thar metal cages. (T'was still bloodigoodfun, though.)


    * First Cousin Once Removed - that is, my cousin's nipper.

  18. Forgot about bouncers, Barnes Wallis approach?


    Alright, how about "Flight Level 0.05"?


    Me and my Posse went to the Fareham shoot, today, but just as we got to the rabbit stand, the damned launcher broke down. Typical...





  19. I know many good shots who have talked themselves into the 'can't hit rabbits' mindset and it can prove disastrous for their scores.

    That's right. I tells 'em, I do: Rabbits are just ordinary clays flyin' at "Flight Level Zero".





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