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Posts posted by ChAoS

  1. Chrispti:


    I seem to remember spotting this m'self but never being able to remember to tell them about it.


    On the other hand, I *also* seem to remember seeing plaswads littering the

    ground following a comp a year or to ago. (Special dispensation for comps?)


    I still think it's fibre only but I'll see if I can confirm this.





  2. Don't suppose 30 posts per page for everyone would be possible?


    Fifty's a nice round number... No, wait! How about a hundred?


    As fas as I'm concerned, the more the merrier.







    This USED to be the case, but the proof house will no longer "proof" a shotgun that has been restricted to meet the requirements of the act - they did it initially to cover the crimped tubes etc and the change in the law, but will no longer do so. This is as a result of home office regulation.


    You can debate it all you like - but I have sat with the proof master trying to get this resolved - once a Section 1 - always a Section 1. (Now!)


    Or not...


    Although I acquired my newly-rescricted shotgun a couple of weeks ago, the vendor has only just sent me the certificate. The certificate says:


    "Certificate Of Magazine Restriction


    The London Proof House hereby certifies that the adaptation of the gun described below..."


    It is "signed" by the "Proof Master for the London Proof House" and dated "5 Jul 2012".


    Perhaps it's a fake...











    Guys, to view the 'new content', click the 'new content' button at the top of the screen. It then brings a page up, and on the left hand side there are some options, such as content type (forums, members or calender). Below that you have 'content I have not read', 'new since my last visit', 'within 24 hours' and so on. Select what suits you (the old forum format worked on 'new since my last visit', I suggest you click that and try from there.

    When you click on a topic in the 'new content' list, if you've already read part of the thread you click the button above the first post saying 'view first unread' or something to that effect.

    With things being in grey, and generally different, it takes a bit of getting used to. I wish it showed the unread content when you load a topic up automatically like the old format did - maybe I'm just too lazy!

    When you get used to it all it's a bit easier. No doubt more difficulties will arise, and be overcome. I suspect that a few tweaks can/will be done at some point (new background colour that's a bit easier on sensitive eyes? Hint Hint...!).


    The "unread content" doesn't appear to *always* work. This may correct itself as time goes by since *newly* created threads seem to work correctly.


    There is no "view first unread post" button on the *mobile* site. It may be that we are finding things better or not depending upon whether we habitually use the *full* site or not. (I generally use the mobile version.)





  5. "Mark community as read" is down bottom left - this then brings up a mini-menu - select "mark all as read" to clear all new posts etc. (works fine in chrome)

    On the mobile version we've gone from a single button tap to a tap-scroll-tap-tap. I prefered the single tap...





  6. I miss the "mark forum as read" button - I just pressed that every time I'd read what I wanted to and it'd de-clutter the forum for me.


    The NEXT and PREVIOUS "greyed out" state isn't obvious enough. At least it ain't on the *mobile* version (which is wot I usually use).


    Finally, the aforementioned "going to the start of a thread" irritation is, indeed, a pain in the bottom.





  7. I've only one "Harris" bipod and it's a clone, not a *real* one. The OP says that he wants an *easily* detachable 'pod. Can someone tell me how easy it is to attach a *real* Harris? My clone is a right royal pain in the bottom. I always end up fiddling and faffing when I want to fix it on.


    The Versapod - and it's clone - are *really* quick to attach and detach. Before posting this, I gave it a quick test and I reckon I can afix a Versapod-type bipod in well under a second; detaching is even quicker.


    So, are real Harris' a lot better than my (Buffalo River) clone or is it that other shooters are just a lot more dexterous than me? How accurate have the Chinese* cloned the Harris? (I hear a tale that the Chinese copied the Winchester 1897 shotgun but, unfortunately, copied a *worn-out* '97. Apparantly, they made a good job of it...)






    * http://www.gocomics.com/wizardofid/2012/06/07

  8. Fibre because (a) every clay ground I've been to insist on 'em and (b) I ain't a litterbug.


    I do, however, shoot a small amount of buck and slug.


    Also, the Yanks seem to think that shootin' plaswads through a Powerpac choke on a Higgins M20 would be a Bad Idea...





  9. Have a look on dealextreme.com, got some very good deals on bipods and in my opinion better than harris and half the price, the one here is a quick release, I have one on my hw100 and its the nutz! :good:http://www.dealextreme.com/p/27cm-universal-stainless-steel-rifle-bipod-for-rifles-universal-mount-26217?item=2


    This link didn't work on my 'Droid device the first time I tried it. I then posted the "Versapod" suggestion. I've just retried the link and - waddaya know? - it's a Versapod clone.


    In actual fact, I have a *real* Versapod and a Buffalo River clone. I can't really fault either of 'em. They also fit each other's attachment.


    Do the Deal Extreme ones fit the Versapod / Buffalo River stuff, I wonder?





  10. I use a SAK moderator - it's a bit shorter than the Weihrauch.


    My gun isn't regulated but I've never heard a bad word said about the one made by Tweaky/Tench.


    Search for "Tweaky" on AirgunBBS.com or contact www.xtxair.co.uk.


    Hope this helps.





  11. Willpoon:


    Pumps are certainly not "frowned upon" down here (Hampshire) except, on occassion, by the DTL crowd.


    I've shot a number of pumps but my favourite is the Ithaca M37. I also shoot a reproduction Winchester 1887.


    Before giving them away to family and friends as mementos, I've also shot my late father's M55 goose-gun (avec 36" barrel), Greener GP and Greener SxS hammer gun at a local shoot. The Sporting Clay shooters just *love* to see something a bit unusual being used. (One of my shootin' buddies uses his PSG gun - a SPAS 12 - when he feels the urge.)


    No, using many different guns will do your scores no good but it sure is fun.


    As I saw on an American gun forum:


    "He who shoots to win often loses; he who shoots for fun *always* wins."





  12. Mine doesn't display at all although it's correct in the Settings pages. Do I have to "do" something to get it displayed? Or are the images moderated? Or is the stated 100x100 size incorrect? (My image is 90x90.)





  13. I have a fresh spare space in my cabinet now to so am just trying to decide what to fill it with, part of me thinks i should have a sxs for the odd bit of game just so i have something to use if needs be, what am torn between is a second pump or semi-auto.
    How about something a little different - a lever-action?





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