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  1. 3" Not unless mega cheap, as want to make room in cabinet !
  2. My personal experience and highly reccomended view, is to google kipper ridge gundogs ( Adrian & Caroline Slater ) also you tube Adrian slater at crufts ( he did the gundog display last year ) Buy there DVD follow it to the letter and you will be more than happy with the initial puppy training! But that's just me, I've watched other big names and I find this to be the best.
  3. Another dubber here ! All tho not so much any more ! But since we are on the subject ! My mk2 gti I had and played with I've had 2 mk2 1 mk1 gti a t4 transporter and the wife has a mk3 cab which is now for sale all done the dub way !
  4. I know what your saying, when mine and my dads have had a go they really go for it and can be difficult to seperate, then 20mins later they will be licking each others wounds and cuddling up to each other?!
  5. Didn't have a exact link, just found in better off feeding him little and often keeping him topped up because it all ways seemed to happen when he getting hungry or near a feeding time, also bakers biscuits ( ones which are all colours ) when he had them with his meat they happened more regular, now he is on csj with meat and like I say keep him topped up eg if out working then a couple of gravy bones here and there. Since then they are very few and far between. On watch ! With my cocker Team handed !
  6. Mine is exactly that ! Long legged stubborn male that is musted on dear, when alone quite, in a pack with others I agree like hounds ! And he is to big to go ground unless it was for a fox. Bitches do seem to be less stubborn.
  7. Wouldn't agree with that, my dad has a dog and a bitch ( mother & son ) My dog & my dads have had some nasty fights over the years and it has nothing to do with the bitch and can be over anything. Also the odd border male we meet when out will size up mine and before you know it one of them will go for it. A friend has 2 bitches and when it takes there fancy will fight like hook ! At the end of the day it's a terrier by breed so you are going to get some thing, they are far different to say my working cocker which is more interested in work than anything else
  8. My border has been beating with me for last 3years and embarrassed plenty of dogs that wouldn't go in to heavy cover ! He will also pick up and not perfect but retrieve ! Ours also loves been on boat permently sat on bow playing look out !
  9. My border male has the same problem and I linked it to his food as well.
  10. Could well be locked up inside a locked car. There isn't to many grounds up there to choose from so you might be limited.
  11. Dvgc is ok, but very much a much week in week out. ( I'm a member ) Theres also a little one at poppleton that shoots every 2weeks. And like every one else has said on the others above. Park lodge is good because you can shoot what you want when you want !
  12. Dam it, I fancied the liam Dale and phil colley DVD.
  13. I have a d40 not a d22 so not to up on them but get on Nissan-navara.net it's all there to read.
  14. Pete, the owner of b a s performance is 2 mins away from me and he is the 1one to use when it comes to landis ! Even main dealers go to him, and no I'm not making that up. Today he was going to sort tv out on a range rover sport from a certain main landi agent not to far from us !
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