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Posts posted by Malc

  1. This sounds like excellent value on the face of it, but, to what standard will the dog be trained when the 3 months are over. The dog will still be under 18 months old when he/she comes back to you and his/her training will definately need to continue beyond that point. You will need to find the time then. It will be absolutely essential that you keep on top of a young dog at that stage of training, especially a cocker, LOL.

  2. PW members may be interested in supporting this:


    Over £18 million (at the 2006 bid price) will be spent on building the 2012 Olympic shooting sports venue at Woolwich Barracks and then after the Olympics it will be pulled down again. This is not only a total waste of money and an immoral use of resources but more importantly it does not leave any lasting legacy for shooting sports in this country. Every year the Great Britain shooting teams bring home medals from competing in ISSF and FITASC disciplines world wide. Surely it deserves a lasting legacy?




    Please click on the link below to go to the petition.



  3. I was really pleased to find this thread as I've been thinking of buying an 810 for pigeon shooting but I wasn't sure.


    I looked at one at Brandesburton clay ground on Tuesday and it seemed too good to be true. They told me that they have sold 14 and no faults or returns yet. Then he told me it has a lifetime warranty. I might buy one next week.


    Thanks Shaggy, very helpful. :welcomeani:

  4. Hi all,


    hoping someone out there may be able to help.

    My lad was out in my discovery and as normal did not put any petrol in and ran out. I have just been and put a couple of cans in but it just will not start. Just wondering if there is anything that is supposed to be done if they run out. It is a 3.9 v8 model.





    its a 95 model and upto this never ever had a prob with it.


    Probably dragged all the **** up from the bottom of the tank and blocked the fuel filter


    Keep cranking it until it primes with fuel or tow start it. Make sure you don't kill the battery with the cranking or lights.

  5. Over a certain amount and you will need a acquire and keep license and poss a storage license NOT sure if you also need to be RFD i cant get conformation on this just yet the regs are somewhat complicated this can be circumvented by distributing them quickly ie the same day to diff locations

    one thing i do know is that the only saving you will make is the rfds profit and thats not huge amount

    im not saying its not a good idea @ all but just beware you don't fall foul of the law ...

    the law


    Very interesting. How much explosive is there in a case of 250 12 bore cartridges? I notice a warning label on my cases with 1.4 marked on it. Is that 1.4 kg of explosive?

  6. I bought 10,000 a couple of months back for £108 per thousand delivered. I just bought 7,500 more at £120 per thousand collected and I need some more, but already the price is up to £130 collected! Another supplier quoted me £146 this week and warned of £175 next week!

  7. I've just bought a cheap OU for pigeon shooting, it's a Verney-Carron 12b OU, with double triggers and an unusual side safety catch. It is really lightweight.


    I wonder if anyone has any experience of these shotguns and also, can anyone shed any light on the proof marks, which are as follows:-


    A Crown on top of the letters PT on top of two crossed lightening strikes.


    I've looked on the manufacturers website which was very little help and there is only one for sale on Guntrader.



  8. Bear in mind that the person doing the embroidery can't just take an image and make a stitch pattern out of it so something that gives them the general shape will probably be fine.



    Yes, your right. It's quite difficult to know exactly which image will convert best. I think the embroidery company we are probably going to use, can embroider in 7 different colours at once. This is not many colours compared to the heaps of colours in these jpegs. If I can find just the right image, I think it should work out. I think everyone has seen the popular shooting jumpers embroidered with pheasants, ducks, labradors, etc and they look okay to me.

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