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baikal boy

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Posts posted by baikal boy

  1. hi boston ide be willing to take her on ive already got a 3 quarter whippet 1 quarter greyhound

    whos very handy in the feild unlike sum lurcher men i could give her a good working life and a

    comfortable life indoors i house train my dogs to a high standard and in the feild unfortunately i

    avent any dollars at the mo that i can just throw at you but i could sincerley give her an advantaged

    good life and a good home if your interested. got to go now and do sum will be back on

    in a couple of hours



    cheers paddy.

  2. they all apply to me to especially the empty roll dump

    but instead of shuffleing trousers round ankles to the

    nearest loo roll i just use the cardboard off the empty

    tube if u tear it carefully enuff the sheets seperate

    so the cardboard gets thinner and aint quite as rough

    on yor ****



    cheers paddy.

  3. i tried to mate but he didnt seem over keen on the idea

    i think its probably so he could brag to his mates

    that hed got one of each i dont think they realise how lucky

    they are now i was lucky to get a few pence to get a pea shooter

    from up the news agents




  4. hi my sons just had gears of war on xbox 360

    which is very good but am not sure wether you can

    get it on pc though. i dont tend to play many games

    but he convinced me to have a go and i enjoyed it

    even though he bust my chops on 2 player. i wil ask him

    for you when he gets home from school.



    cheers paddy.

  5. hi all kirky did seem like a nice lad to me

    so did jon who ive met and was genuinley nice

    but until knowing what they have done then i

    couldnt make a decision on the vote which

    is fair anuff.




  6. hi ss i personally apologise to you and anyone

    else out there who are making an effort towards

    our way of life as yor doing the right thing. but

    it still dosent take away from the fact that most

    arnt and will strongly stick to what i beleive is

    going on with the majority i have seen it happen in my own

    hamlet for the past 14 years.



    cheers paddy.

  7. lots of townies round my way aswell the trouble is

    they bring nothing withum but greif they dont take part in any

    country activities .there not paticuly bothered about the village

    or church or fundraising events for either.there kids who are born here

    avent got a clue about the country the same as the parents . which

    i think is quite scary for the future with more and more of them

    moving here whats going to happen if kids aint taking an interest in

    farming country sports wildlife etc you could go on and on very scary

    for the future of the countryside



  8. ime a tree surgeon.


    love. nice customers who make us a brew

    and the job in general.



    hate. working roadside . traffic control. mothers with pushchairs

    who move our cones and still procede to walk under the tree

    you have to have eyes up yor **** .


    cheers paddy.

  9. thanks for that mate much appreciated i live in a

    little hamlet in rural staffordshire and its been targeted

    by gypsies many times especially the farms and hare coursing

    and lamping at night with dogs you always no they have visited

    cus the b##stads always leave the gates open and the electric

    fences down very irresponsible people. so ile be keeping a look

    out especially owning a lurcher my self which i no there very

    partial to.


    cheers paddy.

  10. hi mosa are you training a gun dog or a lurcher mate as you

    will need few training a running dog they soon start to become

    soggy and quite offensive and a pup wil soon go off it but give them a

    fresh one once in a while and ule be sorted i used to use hare pelts aswell.



    cheers paddy.

  11. its a real shame that all our accents are being lost

    due to whats been mentioned earlier americanisation

    and rap music i come from the heart of the black country

    were our accent was mainly made up of slang words

    and quite hard to understand but ime very proud of that

    but if you listen to kids now from there including my own

    neices and nephews and they sound completely different

    to what we did and no where near as broad.

    i tell you what though theres a difference between the kids

    who listen to rock music than the ones who listen to this ghetto rubbish

    my lad and all his freinds never bring back trouble all is there interested in is there

    music and are quite layed back in comparison somtimes to laid back

    i must admit but still there nicer kids than these hoodie hooligans.



    regards paddy.

  12. cheers for that wookie its a good site going back

    some years ago i had a recipe for chicken madras

    off a freind of mine who was from bombay and its

    a spot on curry but i found an original recipe from madras

    on this site went out bought all the ingredients and cooked it

    and it was fantastic cheers for that mate.



    regards paddy.

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