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baikal boy

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Posts posted by baikal boy

  1. hi guys i have just picked up some more land in staffs 2-3 hundred acres which can only be used for taking rabbits.now i do have an fac but unfortunateley i had to sell my rifles just to pay for xmas for the kids as i was layed off like so many other people so i havent had the funds yet to replenish them i could still use a shottie of course but stealth is what i am looking for and silence so if any of you with rimfires out there .22 or 17hmr or fac air are interested then your more than welcome i am hoping to go at first light ither on saturday or sunday so if anyones interested them post back or feel free to send me a pm



    kind regards paddy

  2. and a big yes from me.ive met a few of these guys in the past and there so well turned out and polite very genuine and happy i also have family who have fought alongside these very brave men and have an original gurkha knife thats been passed down via one of my uncles that was given to him by a gurkha and a very good friend.and myself would like to hear the reasons why these other people have not voted yes and voted no instead.



  3. Hi Guys I have a 2-man hard bottomed dinghy (BARRUS model GB230 max load 346kg - 761lbs)

    with a British Seagul Outboard motor, thats in good working order.

    Unfortunately recently i broke one of the interlocking ribs so there are only 3 instead of 4 hence £200

    for the dinghy and outboard motor together.

    I have used this for a good many years now for wildfowling and for fetching ducks and geese off water.

    The only reason for sale is to fund a new rifle.

    its a good reliable piece of kit, strong and lightweight and easily fits into the boot of a car.


    Cheers Paddy


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  4. when i was a youth i used to mow the lawns for our priest who was a good friend of the familys he used to give me half ounce of old holburn and a few swigs out the brandy bottle

    the one day i got there a bit earlier than i should have looked through the window and was giving one of the nuns a knee trembler i never told anybody because no one would have beleived me and my da would have took the skin off my back lol



  5. for the past year ive been on 1-2 days a week which as been tough enough and now i havent worked for nearly 9 weeks and recently ime sad to say have had to start signing on ive tried to hang it out for as long as i could ive used all my savings. and even had to sell all of my guns just to scratch by for the kids at xmas but i dont stop looking and i aint giving up for nobody i just aint used to not doing owt and i will hold my head high again even so at the moment i dont feel like it.



  6. i love nothing more than gardening all day and the smell of freshly cut grass i then go and take a shower at late afternoon then walk out my back gate and step right out onto a feild full of ewes and lambs which is my rabbitting permission where the farmer whos a good mate of mine as also let me build a small patio just behind my wire fence in the feild and i sit there with my lurcher at my heels sippin rum and ice cold beer watching the sun go down on the beautiful staffordshire landscape and thats were ile be all night with a lantern for when it gets dark and a cardie for when it gets a bit nippy fabulous.




  7. my dads family are irish from cork and my moms a jewess her family are from poland the bedzin district and town zagorze they date back from 1830 sadly theres hardly any jews left in poland now as 91 percent was wiped out in the holocaust and most who survived emigrated after the war. i was lucky enough to be bought up between 2 different cultures and feel very proud.


    cheers paddy.

  8. hi pigeon popper i also use a 7lb felling axe just for fun these days i have done this job for most of my life and am also built like an outdoor toilet at one time i was sporting 18 inch arms just down to the nature of the job.but tend to be more carefull these days as i have had some back problems but still love the job and wouldnt have it any other way i think its more of a way of life its in ya blood and its hell of a buzz its good to hear of like minded folk who like working with nature and with natures produce.


    cheers and good health paddy.

  9. :sly: and why on earth do you feel the need to lie.

    your either a fruit cake or an anti which personally i think the two

    go hand in hand.



  10. we in the tree surgery buisness have been feeling it since just after xmas

    all in all ive had about 2 weeks work from then until now so have started doing fencing aswell and there hasnt been much of that to be honest even trying to get part time work

    doing it is nigh on impossible . its come to the crunch now were ive been looking for factory

    work and driving but the thought of being indoors to me is soul destroying i tried a driving job out for size yesterday but in all honesty i didnt like it . we used to do the majority of site clearance work for barretts and wimpy . bovis homes and other concerns which was a

    big part of our work but obviously thats come to a rather big halt.





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