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Posts posted by JRS

  1. Yet another sickening example of large breed dogs destroying a kids life god knows what this little girls went through , she will in all probability never get over this,


    Now the my dogs a good dog lads will be along shortly trying to justify and deflect the fact that these types of dog are unnecessary accessories, and that when THEY want to they will attack regardless of however obedient the dog is considered, don't know why those who want this type of dog don't simply use the chartham method?



    i would much prefer the parker hale method :hmm:

  2. i'm in for a 1/2 gun if someone else local wants to shoot alternate weeks to me, would want to look round first though, i've got a dog but he's only a trainee and would want to see the other members gun safety before i bring him, but i'm game if its safe for me and the dog and a chance of getting a few shots





    good on you mate and give the guy a chance , have fun and fill your boots

  3. maybe he has to pay for some corn and diesel ,rent

    so why is he taking the piddle ? or is this the site where everyone expects to shoot for free

    as for shooting midweek , its his shoot , so his rules apply not anyone elses

    i have offerd shooting and if people dont like it then leave it alone no need for negative critisism

  4. I am not arguing the safety or otherwise of any RFD or anyone else selling reloaded ammo, I am suggesting it is not illegal, as I'm sure you recall this has been round before and NOBODY could show any UK applicable legislation that said it was illegal!


    It is very simple, show me the legislation and I will accept it.


    ATB! :rolleyes:

    its this simple

    make a batch , pick six at random and submit to proof for pressure testing

    for a small fee sorted

  5. :good: My son has just been beaten up by a gang of local kids!! :lol: (4.45pm) called the plod at 5pm, and they told me "we will be there in 20 mins". I left the house at 7.30pm to go to work, and nobody had arrived. Just had a phone call from some daft bint to tell me that as its not important, they cant get out to me until tomorrow at some point. My poor lad is sat there in bits. As we all know what the world is like, i dont let him roam the streets like some parents do, and have only let him go out with his friends since the start of this year. Worried that something might happen to him, i do my best to make sure he is safe. He didnt even fight back, as ive always told him that he must not, never fight, as its very wrong. Part of me wants to tell him to him to go and kick the little **** in the pants, but this aint the answer. At 11 years old, he has never given me trouble once, ever! yet these little ****s can burn him with cig ends and kick him to the floor. :good::good: As for the plod, even i am starting to loose faith in their abilities these days.



    pity he was not doing 35 MPH in a 30 MPH zone because thats important or had a bald tyre thats realy important


    face it mate , the police are now nothing more than traffic wardens

  6. I think the only thing she did wrong was put it in there alive. why can't cat owners keep the bloody things on there own property? :good::lol::good:



    i agree mate , she needs lessons in rehabilitating moggy's

    some good points raised here ,

    if you had a dog and left it roaming you would expect some come back

    if people are so concerned about their cats keep them locked up

    there are too many of the dam things doing damage to our wildlife

    crapping on people lawns and gardens

    i have had the same fall out with neighbours over cats and one actually sujested that i could buy some sort of deterent

    they dont have any cats now

  7. Carl Sagan's demon haunted world - green men in space ships, visitations from angels, Jesus & even God, pixies at the bottom of the garden, sights of wild cats running round the country-side.


    The latter is the most plausible (from a poor list of alternatives) but not at nearly the frequency they get reported - same root causes as the others in the majority of cases...



    you mean these people are intoxicated or smoking wackey backy :good:

  8. i had to shoot one for a guy who had some realy bad problems with it , it was nasty and the best end to it


    then a few month later had to shoot another , they were from the same litter so i dont know if that meant anything

    but japanese fighting dog gives the game away a bit

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