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adam f

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Everything posted by adam f

  1. I'll take it please. PM on it's way.
  2. Looking this morning it looks like a couple got out of the pen, but whilst the skinny black tails can get back in, the fat fluffy Orpington couldnt - and fell to an oppertunistic fox. We live very rural backing on to farmland on 3 sides, so I'm not niave to foxes, I'm fact I have permission on the fields and often spot foxes whilst out lamping. If anyone has got plans for a trap it would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. I've been pretty relexed towards foxes to date... Ive kept hens for over 10 years and lost the odd one now and then - mainly when we choose to have a few hours out and get back after dark before I shut them away... Just got back tonight after after a really nice engagement party... to find a lawn full of feathers... one of our prize Buff Opringtons has been taken by Charlie. Ive been chilled in the past, but now it's war! :o
  4. What are S410/400 owners putting through thier rifles in .22? Ive used a tin of AA field and also Crosman Premier Magnums, and think I favour the Crosmans slightly, but before I buy another tin, anything else I should be considering? Also, is a lighter pellet going to make much differance (in the real world) to the trajectory - I'm finding the magnums pretty loopy.. Thanks
  5. adam f

    Which Bipod?

    Brilliant. Thanks for all the advice - looks like I need to get shopping! Final Q - swivel or non-swivel bipod?
  6. adam f

    Which Bipod?

    I'd like to try a bi-pod for my S410. I dont really want to screw a stud into the stock, as I'm not sure I'll stick with it, and also I spend more time shooting from a stood or knelt position, so I'd like to be able to remove it quickly? Is there any such thing as a bipod that will clip into the air cylinder (aprox 30mm dia) Ive seen the really cheap plastic ones, but these look cack and also only seems to clip onto a narrow barrell not a cylinder? Failing that if I do have to go the screw stud route how does all that work? Any ideas?
  7. OK - thanks for the advice. I guess I thought it best not to have a gun cabinet in a room that regularly has people using it - kind of out of sight, out of mind. There is no room in our room, the other 3 beds are used for guests and kids, and the other rooms are the lounge, dining room, office etc... I work for a builders merchant so the resin fixings arnt a problem - good to hear they are OK for the FEO to approve.
  8. Whilst waiting for my SGC to arrive, I thought I'd better start thinking about where to put my gun cabinet. I live in a 300yr old listed farmhouse, which whilst it has 2' thick walls, they are a nitemare for fixing into as the interior is generally cob stone, and the rawl bolts just wind out and crumble the stone. Also all of the rooms are generally used regulary, so wouldnt want a gun cabinet in them. My two options seem to be 1) Cellar and 2) the loft. The cellar would be more practical, but the downsides are the security of fixing and the fact it has a ground level vent for airflow, which is quite large - so not sure how secure this would be? The loft is more secure, but a pig to access and it's pretty cold up there, thinking about condensation etc?? Any suggestions lads?
  9. Ive been shooting air rifles for a while, and recently put my SGC in with the view to it being something I'll maybe take up... A buddy took me out for the first time on Sat to a small local clay shoot - I was looking forward to seeing how it all works and maybe having a few shots... what I didnt expect was to actually enter! It was a little daunting but after a few tips and pointers I had the hang of it, and ended up having a blast. I hit 14 out of 40 and ended up with a right and left pair on my final one - I was quite chuffed for my first ever time out! I'm now hooked and the SGC cant drop quick enough. Being used to shooting rifles I was a little keen with my mounting for the first dozen shots and now have a lovely blue bruise down my right cheek bone (plus the gun fits my much smaller buddy and obviously not me) not the best of look for back to work! Seems like a slippery slope!
  10. I sat on the cap which covers the adjustment turrents on my Hawke HD Sport last night whilst I made an adjustment - its too far bent out of shape to fit it back on - does anyone know if these are available as spares or replacement? Thanks Adam
  11. Apart from when I paunch them, is there an easy way to tell if Ive shot a buck or a doe rabbit? Also, how does one tell if Ive got a tough old beast or a tender young one? Thanks
  12. Lovely! Just the ticket - thanks.
  13. Can anyone recommend a decent camo head net / mask etc? I bought a cheapy net one in supposed realtree from fleebay, but whilst it works it's like a flippin baggy plastic bag flapping around my head! I really want something net-like so I dont get hot, and well fitting so it doesnt bag around? Any suggestions?
  14. Wanted to get them 'done' before I went to work so the other one was paunched and skinned and in the sink before I thought it a good idea to take a few photos, hence the noose around the other ones legs whilst he was hanging.
  15. Thanks for all the advice guys.
  16. A cracking morning today for a change - as opposed to rain and snow and general grey coldness, it dawned bright and crisp with a carpet of mist around the hills and fields. After a poor session on the bunnies the night before I was feeling a littl dejected, but as I went to let the chickens out I saw a pair of bunnies chomping away on the lawn.... I very gently slipped the locks off the door and braced the S410 against the frame and squeezed off - the first bunny just slumped over, perfect headshot - his mate just sat there wondering why his mate had fallen over - no time to waste, chambered another pellet and sent him on his way too! A brace before I even got dressed! A great way to start a morning!
  17. I just found it strange that the FAC which arguably allows a greater to a range of firearms, requires signatures from people just just know you well, but the SGC requires a little more than that? Anyway - to check Ive got it right, I need 2x well known friends (2 yrs + good standing etc) for my FAC and for my SGC I need someone with letters before their name who also knows me? Thanks again
  18. OK - but what about my SGC? Friends or someone more 'offical'?
  19. Sorry - another Q: I'm just getting all the paperwork sorted ready to fill out, and notice that on the SGC it asks for the counter signatory to be a civil servant / doctor etc, whereas on the FAC is only asks for a person 'of good standing' Is this right, anyone shead anylight on this, or is it simply as above?
  20. Thanks Bob and Dave - I'll take you up on that and reply to your PM's shortly. Cheers!
  21. Another question please guys: I'm just getting all the paperwork sorted ready to fill out, and notice that on the SGC it asks for the counter signatory to be a civil servant / doctor etc, whereas on the FAC is only asks for a person 'of good standing' Is this right, anyone shead anylight on this, or is it simply as above?
  22. You can get Neoprene socks, but beware - warm for an hour or so, then once you start to sweat your feet cant breathe - sweat turns cold - so do your feet! I suffer - I find the best route is natural leather boots with wool socks. If you have a rubber welly, try a thin pair of silk socks with wool over the top. Neoprene is a great insulator, it's just the breathable bit...
  23. I'm pretty new to shooting, but have a couple of permissions already, mainly rabbits. Was thinking it would be nice to do and go somewhere different.... So... I have a new 25' sportsfisher than I own and run out of Poole fishing for pretty much everything, but specialising in bass, and wrecking. I'd be willing to swap a day's or eve's shooting for a trip out on the boat? I'd ideally be looking for shooting in Dorset, but Somerset, Devon, Wiltshire, Hants etc would work. As I said I'm new to this, so only have an iar rifle at the moment, waiting for my FAC and SGC to arrive - but no rush, the fishing doesnt pick up until spring!
  24. Again - thanks for the offer, but Stockport is a bit far. Dont mind driving for an hour or so, but stockport is about 4. Cheers
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