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adam f

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Everything posted by adam f

  1. Yeah thanks. Happy to reciprocate with a shoot on my permisson/s or beers etc?
  2. So what does the salt soak do? Rabbit isnt that strong anyway is it? I always paunch mine within an hour or two, make a nice neat job of them, and mostly take the legs and saddle, unless it's going into a stew. To date they have all tasted lovely!
  3. Simple question really? I'm quite new to this, so I soaked my first half a dozen or so - but next time I'll go it au-natural. What do you do??
  4. Well dont want to push my luck!! Happy for as long as poss! Anyone?
  5. This seems like the best place to ask? As posted on the other section, I'm looking for someone to show me the ropes with a rimfire for an hour or so. Ive only shot air rifles on my permissions to date and it has been suggested I get some first hand experiance before I take the plunge with FAC's and new guns etc. Based in North Dorset, but Wiltshire or Somerset may work? Thanks in advance Adam
  6. Thats a great offer - unfortunatly I very rarely get over that way. Thanks again anyway! Any other offers?
  7. Thanks again for the advice - I'll try a dimmer. IS it best to post elsewhere to see of someone can spend an hour showing the ropes of rimfires etc?
  8. Brilliant - thanks alot guys, very helpful. What a great forum! The above suggestion would be great? I'm in Shaftesbury, North Dorset, but travel around. If anyone would be willing to spend an hour or so and let me have a pop that would be hugely appreciated?? Adam
  9. Thanks for all the advice. Ive had a look through the local police website and read the forms and guidance notes which makes things alot clearer. I guess I just need to start the ball rolling now? First port of call is to double check the course manager is happy to sign the forms off (I'm sure he will, but better to check rather than find out later on) A few more Q's: Is there any harm in applying and getting things moving even if I dont buy a gun for a while, or even decide not to? Do I need to sort a gun cabinet out before I put in the application, or wait until my visit and it has been granted? Also - what quantity of ammo do you suggest putting down for the 'to purchase' and to 'hold' sections? Thanks again.
  10. Hi there. After a bit of advice please? I have a golf course I shoot on to keep the rabbit population at bay. To date Ive only shot air rifles, and whilst Ive had a few it is very hard work. Lamping has been a waste of time as they are used to taking cover and have no long grass as soon as they see a lamp they bolt - even 100 yds off. The ones I have shot have been by sitting and waiting, but the ones that come within 30/40 yds are few and far between.... so Ive been thinking of applying for an FAC and getting a .22LR? The course has been cleared for FAC use as another guy used to shoot it before I came along. So a few Q's: - Where, how and to who do I apply? - How long does the process take? - Reading through here it seems a .22LR is the way to go? Any advice on which one? - Anything else Ive missed? Thanks in advance. Adam
  11. Just thought I post a quick hello before posting elsewhere. I live in North Dorset, and shoot air rifles only at the moment. Ive got a couple of permissions that have a fair few rabbits that have been keeping me busy! Adam
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