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About sg1

  • Birthday 12/08/1978

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  • From
    South Coast, West Sussex
  • Interests
    Computers, cooking, Our 3 kids and Target Shooting L.S.R plus now Clay Bustin!!!
  1. I've contacted AYA via email and they were MORE than happy to build me a stock from my choice of Walnut . Im not going to chuck that kind of cash at it !! Thanks for suggestions guys , will email straightshooter . atvb sg1
  2. Hi guys, been a while.... I have an old model 105 AYA SxS 12G and the stock has split after a previous owners attempts at gluing and pinning. I had it reglued etc and refinished but it's EXTREMELY thin wood now around the areas where wood meets action and is even not touching in a couple of places. I tried some light loads through it (21's) and it has started to split again!! Q: Are there any other models of AYA's that would share the same design of stock as trying to find another model 105 is like trying to locate Venus's ARMS!!? I'd imagine that they would have used the same action design on many different models as to help production. Anyone help? atvb sg1
  3. hey your birthday is a day after mine :)

    6 years difference though (1978)

  4. You can't see it in the video, but the metal of the action between the top lever and the safety catch sits proud by about 1mm due to the stock being rubbed down through about a MILLION layers of varnish as it's now oil stained instead. I don't mind though and I hit EVERYTHING I pointed it at last Sunday so all's good and that was with 21Gram carts as I don't want the stock to split again!! Thanks for your kind comments, atvb sg1
  5. It's a video hosted on Youtube, maybe you have flash disabled in your settings?? Try this link <here> atvb sg1
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Ov_2Uodo0 Done PLEASE excuse the dodgy youtube music atvb sg1
  7. And remember if in shower, just because it's small...doesn't mean it's far away :blink: , Try putting a mini maglite down barrel and use the focused spot beam to pick out right angles on walls in your front room,garage. DON'T DO IT ALONG THE GUTTERING,DRAINPIPES OR YOUR NEIGHBOURS MAY GET UPSET!! Have you thought of maybe an optic fibre eye dominace bead such as the Easyhit? atvb sg1
  8. Here's the stock after I got it back today:- Extremely impressed with the way it turned out , you can BARELY see the cut in piece of wood in the rear of stock!! and he did it at mates rates which basically means it's cost me a bottle of gin I'll put up a couple of final pics when it's all reassembled probably tomorrow. atvb sg1
  9. My AYA's stock is nearly ready for reassembly , I've cleaned up the action but not too much as I don't want to make it look brand new and lose all it's character!! As soon as she's back together , I'll put some pics up on here and I'll also post how she shoots this weekend at 50+ clays (gonna need to make more room in my cabinet now !! ) atvb sg1
  10. Have recieved email from AYA telling me it's a Model 105 from 1950 and obviously they don't make it anymore but I think this SxS is going to do me proud atvb sg1
  11. Was given an AYA the other day (serial No: 307**), the action and barrels are fine but it was 'attached' to a badly split stock(and split/previously repaired forend) and previously repaired butt !! After removing the wood I proceeded to repair the 2 large splits at the front of the stock by splitting slightly further and using Epoxy resin to join together again and left clamped up for 2 days until fully cured.A similar method was used on the 2 splits on the forend. Also there were more dinks and dents than I'd dealt with before on a stock repair so the simple solution was to firstly steam out the many minor dents and then rub back down to bare Walnut and then once prepped, have it refinished.(this will be done by a friend of mine who is a cabinet maker/french polisher by trade) The awkward bit will be matching the repaired areas to the original Walnut colour:- I'll let you know how it turns out atvb sg1
  12. I do compact sporting at Southdowns and found it hard at first but slowly starting to improve and only £8.00 a round of 25 atvb sg1
  13. I try not to shoot in rain , I prefer overcast days as do many others but our british weather can be a funny unpredictable thing. Is it just me or does rain slow down the shot quite a bit? I'm sure my amount of forward lead changes on rainy days!! atvb sg1
  14. Well I've got a 2 hour drive thursday!!! could be interesting!!! atvb sg(does anyone know a good valeting service)1
  15. Had funny throat feeling start earlier and I felt sick yesterday plus I'm feeling a 'bit' sicky now but no headache or anything, I hope it's not my turn to make a long distance phonecall on the great white telephone!!!! :blink: atvb sg(anyone got a bucket)1
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