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Posts posted by Dunkield

  1. As stated if you slave the drive in a USB caddy on another computer there is a chance you could recover your data.

    It <might> just be the boot files that corrupt.

    Does your notebook have built in diagnostics you can run?

  2. At the risk of putting a slight downer on all this, I would query the magic self healing lung theory, although I have seen people get almost immediate health benefits after quitting.

    My dad gave up 40 years before he died, he died of organ failure exacerbated by reduced lung capacity (COPD) and was on oxygen for 15 hours a day for the last 2 years of his life.

    Of course he may just have been unlucky, we now someone who's nan smoked 80 a day all her life and played football until she died at 110 🙄

    I have never smoked but I genuinely wish anyone who does the very best luck giving up, not just for you but your family and friends too

  3. 17 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:


    Yes I didn't know you could do a main test on a 125 I thought I had to do it on a 500. If I had known that I would have done it a lot sooner.

    For an 'A' licence you have to take the test on a 600cc

    "This test must be carried out on a motorcycle that produces at least 54bhp or 40kw and is over 595cc"

  4. 3 hours ago, islandgun said:

    I recently happened to watch a travel show programme and part was set in Iceland [not the high street shop 😉]  there was a guided tour/walk thing featured and they were Kayaking on a glazier melt water lake. the guide seemed to be just that a "guide" he had been doing it for about 15 yrs he said the lake had increased dramatically over that time due to glazier melt. from memory 100's of times larger...... warming or a natural event ?

    Similar to that, we went to Iceland and booked a afternoon on the glacier on snowmobiles.

    When we got to the meeting it hut we were surrounded by black ash, the snow was about a quarter of a mile further up the mountain.

    When I asked whey they didn't build the hut nearer (it was almost new) they said they did, only a couple of years before they were constantly surrounded by snow.

    They had to produce their own snow for the slopes that year as they do in many resorts these days.

    How it is happening may be up for debate, the fact it is happening isn't.

  5. Although clearly a clunker, the fact it is so asymmetric would mark it down scoring wise. My last one wasn’t that remarkable but was almost perfectly symmetrical so lost very few CIC points as a result.

    Of course a medal isn’t a medal until it is scored officially. The term ‘medal’ gets overused to describe what is sometimes just a decent sized buck. 

  6. I had two in my patch that had better heads, a better body weight than him, but haven’t seen for about a year now. Having said that I have two gold medal shoulder mounts in the house I am not sure we need any more 🙂

    3 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    That may turn out to be a good buck but very often they do look huge when in velvet BUT I think I would lay money on that one. Looks a reasonable age and also looks like he has broken one tusk off. 

    Yes he looks like he has been in a scrap or two, missing tusk and a chipped ear - looks relatively young to me?

    The curve in those antlers makes me think it could be quite decent once clean. 

  7. On 22/01/2019 at 10:01, Fatcatsplat said:

    Have PM'd him, but think he's washing his hair at the moment!!!

    It's all dry now.

    Here are some write ups from times past



    Not sure why the pictures have shrunk over the years, but if you click on them they enlarge.

    We always went with a local guide and bought a day ticket from Club Goran.

    I haven't been for a few years but keep meaning to go back sometime...

  8. 8 hours ago, tx4cabbie said:

    San miguel 0.0% actually tastes like beer. When I stopped drinking all the non-alcohol beer tasted like rat urine, so I didn't bother, but this stuff isn't bad. 

    When I quit for a while last year I went through most of them starting with Becks Blue which I used to think was OK. If you try San Miguel or even Carlsberg 0,0 you will realise they have come in leaps and bounds and Becks is now probably one of worst. 

  9. On 29/07/2018 at 14:24, johnnytheboy said:

    I personally shot more partridges with Hull Superfast Pigeon 29g and see no reason to change, I just bought more pigeon cartridges so I had some left for early season partridge. Works well on pigeons equally as good on driven partridges.

    I think they have noticed more and more people doing just that. Firstly they weren’t available during the game season, now they are but they have bumped the price up by more than £30/1000!

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