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About percypigeonshooter

  • Birthday 26/09/1974

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  • From
    sunderland tyne&wear
  • Interests
  1. good write up mate very nice pics excellent shooting its class when you have the kids out with you i love it when my boys come out with me makes me feel great when they are learning and take an intrest in these sort of thing well done
  2. as you can tell ive never had much to do with these lol looks red to me the 1s i seen have been proper gray put we all have to start some were i will start looking at them now and learning wots wot its not a nice sight to see any animal splated on the road it was a back road and safe to move it so thats wot i did
  3. poor thing makes you feel sick when you see sumthing like this
  4. was on my way to the gym this morn on my bike and seen this poor little thing lying in the mid of the road had to move him put him in the hedge out the way not that it would make a diffrence but made me feel beter
  5. hi sent you a pm seen your gun on here would you consider rfd plz as i want it for my son thx alan jst let me know either way thx at my cost

  6. hi sent you pm through gun watch thx alan
  7. clay pigeon trap called the competitor with 2 boxers of clay pigeons sunderland tyne & wear £30 no offers
  8. still for sale put pics on gun watch put not showing on here
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