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Posts posted by SniperR10

  1. Grand cherokee V8 4.7litre, if i worried about mpg i wouldnt own it,


    But for anyone who is interested i get between 150 to 200 miles on £40 of LPG (65 litres), the 200miles was towing a 1100kg caravan whilst going away a few weeks ago. but around town 150/170 miles max.

  2. Amazing what you find i was repairing a N2 pumper out in the middle East and found something similar. We kept the unit decomissioned while the eggs were hatched. Not good for a busy oilfield enviroment but the company i worked for at the time was good like that.....



  3. Hi Scrob,


    Just a few things to keep in mind. If you go with a PCP rifle you would also need some means of charging it. Either a divers bottle or a stirrup pump. Which will cost you about £100 for a Stirrup pump or £150+ for a Divers bottle, Less if you can get them secondhand.

    Once you have the stirrup pump you will have free air forever but it is hard work. Believe you me it is hard work.

    The Divers bottle is easy to use no physical involvement unlike the stirrup pump but will need filling up and depending on where you live it costs around £3 to £8 to get it filled.


    I have no experience with FAC air rifles but I do have a several 12ft/lb airrifles. I have one springer ( Webley Lonbow SE) and a few PCP’s and don’t get me wrong I love the springer but when I get down the club it does limit the amount of shots I manage to fire off due to being so hard to breech. The Webley is 18months old and is still very hard to breech/Cock hasn’t seemed to get any better through using it.


    As for the .22 or .177 debate they have there pros and cons but in FAC i would personaly go for .22


    I hope this was of some help.




  4. 15mpg average according to the onboard computer. More like 12 very Luxurious and comfortable mpg. :good:

    After several tank full of gas equates to approx same as 22mpg if i was paying for Petrol.


    2000 Grande Cherokee V8,



  5. My mate keeps saying bsa R10 are **** and they aint full power and all that <_<

    so not sure :blink:

    Just buy the one you like. The one that fits you the one that feels right, the one that jumps out at you when you go into the RFD. That is how I got mine…..I personally think that they are all good, its it just down to personal preference and personal budget. Go to a RFD and hold them(not the RFD) and see how they feel when shouldered, Check out any special offers or deals. Or join a local club and see what others are using. If the club is anything like the one i am a member we are a friendly bunch and most new members get a chance to try out the different rifles members have helping them to decide what they want. Also you will be able to find out the little niggles or the positive points of the different rifles where as a RFD may just want to sell you what he has at the time. A full power UK legal air rifle will put out just under 12ft/lb. If you go for an FAC air rifle then 20, 30, 40ft./lb + is available.


    Hope this is of some help



  6. Hi i cant coment on the daystate but i can on the BSA R10 and if you look on the BSAOG web site there is lots of info on the BSA R10.


    BSAOG R10 Forum



    I have a BSA R10 in .22 cal and it is a great looking and well balanced gun. This is the gun that i grab out of the cabinet everytime without hesitation, I would also buy another one tommorow. Best gun i own and have ever owned.


    The latest one have had all the previous problems of the original ones solved and as can be seen on the BSA forum there are many happy owners.



  7. Hi,


    This is my first post Just to say Hi…


    I have been back into Airguns approx 2 years after many years of not owning one. Things have definitely changed. To think when I was a kid everyone had an air rifle that they would go down the local allotments and take pot-shots at the rats. Those where the days. No Getting permission, No worry about going to jail being in possession of an un unbagged rifle. I remember having it tied to crossbar of my pushbike, No bag as couldn’t afford one. Those days have definitely gone.

    I had a lot to learn getting back into air gunning and am still learning something new everyday and a lot of thanks go to all you guys on this forum and the other good forums on the internet. Also joining my local shooting club helped a lot. Very friendly members and also very knowledgeable I just wish I had joined the shooting club before I purchased my guns. I do not regret my choice of guns but….


    I now have some permissions to go shooting and I own the following rifles:


    BSA R10, Rhino 6x24x50 Scope, Bipod

    Webley Longbow SE, AGS 3x9x50 Scope

    BSA Hornet Carbine, AGS 3x9x50 Scope





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