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Stoggy Basher

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Everything posted by Stoggy Basher

  1. Hi, John is right there is some very good spots at Hatfield/Worksop and a large amount round York area I joined early this year as most of the land I have permissions for are huge fields and can't always get a mate to shoot with OFFERS I have about 3000 acres east yorks good luck anyway Glenn
  2. Hi I don't want to start a riot but you DO HAVE PROOF I assume or are you one of the one s who believe every thing written in the papers? as for UKIP at least they do want us OUT OUT OUT of a £50,000,000 a DAY yes a DAY bent as a nine bob note club that is a retirement home for the likes of Kinnock and Blair Oh and just for the record I will be voting UKIP Little rant over !!!!!!!!
  3. It's a real bumer that has hapened to me twice one spot I had shot for more than twenty years helped the farmer with all sorts then he sold the rights to a syndicate he didn't even tell me turned up as usual only be told very abruptly to **** off and don't come back Advice is not any point giving it stick only gets you a bad name, Good luck finding new shooting
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