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  1. I’ve got a Gamo coyote .22 with silencer and BSA sights, had it 1 month from new £395
  2. Looking at buying a new flask, it's between Stanley or a Thermos King, have any of you got recommendations??
  3. Thanks for the info, I think I've decided on the S410. I will be mainly target shooting with the odd day on vermin, what Calibre would you recommend?
  4. Hi, Looking at the HW100, AIR ARMS S410 & BSA R10. I would appreciate any views on these rifles to help me decide which one to buy. Thanks
  5. I need to replace my Muckboots (derwent) as the heel and sole have nearly worn out due to being worn everyday for the last year. I've heard the grubs have a harder wearing sole? Has anyone experience of these Wellies?
  6. Hi all, I need to buy some wax cotton overtrousers ASAP, does anyone know of any shops etc where I could buy from today or tomorrow? I live in Chesterfield Derbyshire. Cheers Andy
  7. Archie is 16 months now, he is pretty good off the lead and is trained to come back to my whistle command. However yesterday and this morning as we finish our walk he wouldn't come back to my whistle to have his collar attached preferring instead to sit 10 yds away playing with a stick!! I think he is testing me. Any advice please?
  8. Hi all, I'm wanting to book a day flying falcon's, has anyone been on one of these days and can recommend a venue? Thanks Andy
  9. Highly recommend them, wear mine everyday very comfortable and waterproof. Cheers Andy
  10. Yeh, I've looked at the Meindle boots but they are a bit over my budjet. Are there any others you recommend a bit cheaper?
  11. I'm need to buy some new footwear for rough shooting, walking my Springer etc. Before I buy I wondered what other members would recommend? at the moment I have a fairly cheap pair of wellies which are great at keeping your feet dry but not very good when it comes to walking long distances. Cheers Andy
  12. Okay thanks, which type would you recommend?
  13. Hi All, I need to buy some new gloves for this winter, I mainly shoot pigeon, crows and pheasant so I need a good pair of all-round gloves/mittens that will be practical to shoot in and be tough enough to wear while settting up hides etc. Can anyone recommend a good brand?
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