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  1. Hi Keith,

    Im Retromic's photographer friend - I dont have any Canon kit as Im a Nikon user, but if you are interested in getting into some serious photography, I have a hassleblad kit Im thinking of moving on.

    Let me know if you're interested,



  2. Ive shot this gun, and it is as good as described. Its in lovely condition and shoots very nicely.
  3. Last week I shot my first pigeon with Terry's help, and tonight I had it for dinner - it was lovely! Thanks Terry, Matt
  4. I went out with Terry this afternoon and despite the heat keeping the pigeons away I got one, and learnt plenty. It was a really good confidence boost as Id only done clays before so having an experienced shooter explain everything is much clearer than trying to work it out on your own from magazines and forums. Thanks Terry, looking forward to coming back again, Matt
  5. Hi Terry Sounds great, Ive been clay shooting for about a year but havnt got land or experience in pigeons so would welcome some good advice and real world tuition. £25? PM me and we'll set a date! Matt
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