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Posts posted by Matty7247

  1. A terrible day in history, one that we must never forget, and remeber all those who didnt make it.


    I lost friends in thre resulting wars that followed, and some that are still suffering now.


    The day will never be forgotten. And never should be forgotten.



  2. High profile case, again. Personally, i belive all who are accused of such crimes, should have not be named, as has been stated, he is Innocent until proven guilty.


    There has been several cases of women claiming they have been raped, and as such, the accused's life is effectively ruined, only for it to come out that it was made up. The accusers life just carries on as normal.


    If you are found guilty, then yes, you deserve all the negative attention such a crime respects.


    As in this case, medical evidence has proven that no intercourse has taken place, surely something needs to be done as to stop this happening again. Someone being falsely accused.

  3. Im with the RAC, when the landrover decided not start one evening, they were out within 30mins, and gave us his number to call if we had any issues in the nxt few hours, as hes was planning on being local.


    Been with the AA before, found them completely useless.

  4. Im not knocking the work they do, just how different each department operated between countys? Baby P was a wake up, but it wasnt the first case, and it hasnt been the last, If all social services took kids away from family who bickered, honeslty, how many of us would actually have our children living with us.

  5. I agree, as far as jobs go, im not sure i could make those decisions. its just scary how they can screw up on a monumental scale, like with baby P, all involved with the child were know to the police, and social, none were capable of looking after themselves, let alone a child, and the results were devastating.


    Im sure there is more to the whole story, but if they parents havent been investigated by social for any child abuse, i find it hard how a judge can say to take the kids away? There are so many other cases, where people pop kids out like their going out of fashion for benefits? Yet seem to fail a family trying to be good parents.

  6. just tell them you have £600 a month (see if jezza Kyle will have you on) you might make a few quid on the side ;)


    All sorted now, this happened to me a good few years ago, just when i had started a new job. They took the money at source, so i didnt have much of a choice tbh. Its a flawed system, and has been said, a percentage goes towards those parents that cant/wont pay.

  7. after paying the mortgage I would have hardly anything left


    This is the problem i was presented with. But, unfortunately, the kind people who work at the CSA Didnt give 2 hoots if i could afford to pay my morgage, amoungst other bills. They are ruthless, and dont care about much else.

  8. Be careful with these people, they are ruthless. They have little regard for how good a dad you are, and will keep chasing you. Seek legal advice, and then go from there. But be warned, they will take from source, and as i belive, they only have to leave you with, i think around £700 a month, until the dept is paid.

  9. This was my thinking, I love buying from my local gun store, but just can't afford to spend £££ for a decent jacket? Figured would be cheaper to buy from US, and take the hit on taxs? Or ask if a store can order it for me??

  10. Hi mate, i got mine direct from the states off the website. You pay a far whack for shipping and taxes mind.

    Think Christopher Columbus brought Ayano3 his jacket back from the states. I reckon they used to go to school together. He'll be retiring soon so i'm sure it won't be long till his jackets on ebay


    Cheers for the Reply, i wanted a decent wildfowling jacket thats Gore-Tex, and for some reason they dont stock anything decent here? The Tax was a bit of a worry, but i suppose its worth it for a decent jacket.

  11. Foreign Aid has always been strange, we give India money for helping them, yet they are able to bid to buy 24 Typhoon jets, they didnt, they ended up buying the French jet. I suppose the money was a sweetner for them to purchase jets and manufactoring from us, but in the end, didnt bother,

  12. Molotov Cocktail........Simply remove the problem for the situation. When it comes to our travelling friends, it seems they truly are above the law. They are filmed whilst breaking the law, yet nothing ever comes of it. Personally, i'd like to place them all on a large boat/Island and use it for target practice.

  13. Not sure what the military ILS system is, or if they were using that, or another landing system? I'm sure if it was an excessive landing, the RAF would have been all over it? As they said in the clip, they shouldn't have been standing there? There is a viewing area away from the landing strip.

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