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Posts posted by Matty7247

  1. Every person has a choice, you have a choice to inject chemicals into your body, you have a choice to open a can of larger, you have a choice to get of your **** and work.


    Why should people pay for others to receive a service that they refuse to pay for?? I'm all for a proper welfare state, for people who deserve it. The NHS is under stupid amounts of pressure due to people who self inflict injuries through drink and drugs.


    If you had a serious injury on a Friday/Saturday night, and cant be seen due to some knob who has drunk themselves into a stupor, and then hurt themselves.


    They should be made to pay for any corresponding treatment.

  2. They should charge every individual that gets administered into A&E for self inficted cases. I.E, drinking to much, or an O.D. Getting bloody stupid this country being so bleeding heart.


    These people choose the live they lead, refuse to work, therefore refuse to pay tax and N.I, they should have money deducted form their benefits and either be made to carry a pre-payed card, so they can get treatment, or they are refused.


    There seems to be more concern for the great unwashed and far and lazy because succesive governments are to scared to put an end to it, due to votes. So they penalise the hard workes, who have self respect and wish to work and make something of themselves.

  3. I belive with the merging of units, they have made alot of front line troops surplus, which does cause certain problems. Alot of behind the scenes desk jockeys could be reduced, and streamlined. If the flow of people joing/Leaving was equal, they surely wouldnt be making so many redundant, i know a few people will see if as a golden chance to start somewhere new, which is good. But does seem a kick to the teeth sacking so many, then going on a massive recruitment drive?

  4. come on they don't do much combat before they move onto management thats the issue and its got a high turnover of people anyway, effiectively it is a yound persons game so recruitment will always happen. As mentioned in a few places in this thread there aren't that many who do the fighting and one hell of an inefficient money hungry infrastructure behind them. People cost the money you can loose a lot of them if you invest in better kit and streamline the whole setup, we are never going to be in the situation where we throw hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground into a situation any more,


    The big issue really is they are making so many soldiers redundant, what jobs are they going to do? So all i can see happening is thatthey are going to have to be given state hand outs, housed etc? Which again burdens everyone?


    You cant beat experience in the forces, you say we wont be going into any major wars again, but whos to say something big doesnt kick off? Syria, is boiling over at the moment, Russia and Iran on one side, Israel and the US on the other.


    The infrastrutcre behind the the fighting troops is massive, but there is good reason for it, it takes alot to get troops and equipment form one place to another. maybe the MOD staff should be sacked, or the people that a wasting ££££ in whitehall.

  5. If the chav had made a complaint IT WOULD have been a whole different ball game.


    I dont understand why? I told the officer what i did wrong, so he had the power to arrest me on the spot, due to my confession?? I was struck first, and i defended myself, i used reasonable force to protect myself? Within the law. If you stay within the law, you wont have any issues.


    I find it hard to belive that most people who seem to think i would have been arrested had had the person made an offical complaint? I made an offical complaint, i made the call to the police to state what had happened. If i choose not to have called the police, and the person made a complaint, the police do not know where i live, or who i am?


    I would say that the application of this is VERY inconsistent across the UK. You can be sure that if the other guy decided to lay a complaint (and he probably would), you would be arrested, have your guns taken off you, have your DNA sample taken, and you would have an arrest on your record until the day you die - guilty or not. Sure eventually you may well be let off, get your guns back, but you would suffer alot of wasted time and expense and bother in the meantime. That's justice for you.


    It quite possibly is, but i belive that if you stay on the right side of the law, you will be ok. One of the many reasons i called the police, was to report what had happened, and to report what i did, i even told the officer that had visited me what actions i took, to defend myself. If i had broken the law, then the officer would have arrested me there and then, as i had just admitted using force to protect myself?


    The law can be difficult to judge, would i stand up for myself again, yes, would i do it for some strange, yes. Im not saying i would take the law into my own hands, but protect mtself, and family i would use force, that i deemed neccesary at the time. Its about restraint, You dont need to beat the hell out of someone to protect yourself.


    Somehow I don't believe this.

    Why wouldnt you belive it? If your acting in self defence, their is no problem? If you beat the hell outta them, then yeah, expect to be prosocuted. The Law of the land states you have the right to defend yourself, with reasonable force.


    If this wasnt the case, why wasnt i arrested? I told the officer exactly what i did?

  8. I was assualted by some youths, riding a mini moto around a park, almost ran over a ladys dog, when she confronted them, they started getting serious, i stepped in, was punched twice, i 'Restrained' him, and asked him if he had, had enough. Granted i did have my fingers around his windpipe, after i let him up, he went off with his mates.


    I called the police, and informed them of what happened, and what i did. A police officer arrived at my house a few hours later, and took a statement. He asked how many times i hit him, when i said i didnt, he asked why. He also said its a shame more people arent standing upto these youths, and if they did, they may think differently. He said if you act within reason,and dont beat 7 shades outta them, you wont get prosocuted.


    Im not saying for the OP to go all vigilantie in them, but just be aware of your rights to defend yourself, and your property.

  9. Unfortunately, these incidents will keep arising, and tired farmers/landowners will start taking the law into their own hands, Im not saying its right what he did, not at all.


    But when farmers are constantly being harrassed by the traveling population, this will happen, the police seem reluctant to try and persue these people.


    There needs to be more done to protect farmers and landowners from scum from stealing, and making peoples lives a misery. These people work hard to make a living, and travellers seem to be untouchable? The ones that are arrested, never seem to be charged??


    It needs to stop somewhere, and the law needs to step up and start protecting peoples rights, and their property.

  10. Thank you Lurchers, looking around, and seeing all the spaniel cross breeds, I believe they are worth every penny. Also, if you are willing to pay the money, your hopefully going to look after the pup. Which is my main concern. :-)

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