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Posts posted by jimcam

  1. The rifle clearly is'nt the cal that you went there for.So the onus is on them to make "Their" mistake right.Hold them to task.They are in the wrong.Demand your rights as a last resort.(If common sense does'nt prevail).Bring in trading standards.Jim.(Night Owl).

  2. That could damage your breech seal.Can you not get it back to the dealer and get a replacement New one.(Or even a repair).That should'nt happen at all.I had that problem with my Webley SG10.The RFD changed it no problem.So I suggest a simple return.Jim.(Night Owl).

  3. If you can enlarge this.Put this on a cardboard box.If It dont work.Try a bit of A4 paper and mark a set of horizontal and a croosshair in it.Put this on a box and set that at about 30ft/10mtrs.And work it from there.Jim.(Night Owl)


  4. Chris I was talking to you on chat last night.I tried to tell you about the collection but before I had a chance to type the lot you had left.Heres Mine.This is the only one that will download pal.Jim.(Night Owl).


  5. I have an 8 string uke banjo.The ordinary ones ARE mini axes.Plenty info on T'net about tuning etc.I have mine in its original case and its sitting upstairs in the loft.The surround to tension the main skin has broken and I had to make a new bridge for it as the other was missing.I got it for nothing so I cant complain.I love the idea of being able to use mandolin strings too.(A lot cheaper).If I remember rightly its tuned to "G" first and last.(I forget now).Oh freg this I'm going up to the loft and find it.If I do I'll get a piccie or two posted.Jim.(Night Owl).

    Post Script Forembey did play the Uke.Jim.

  6. Even if it is on computer down there.If you have the knowlege you can get any computer hacked and send out your own legit MOTs.Jim.{Night Owl}.SCARY!!!!!!!!!! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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